Page 95 of Severed By Magic

We filed down the snowy path to the main street, and I was relieved we didn't see or encounter anyone else as we climbed into the van without an audience.

There were more people outside the main lodge and health clinic. Gloria, Nancy, Dr. Vic, as well as a few others I recognized, were waiting for us with stretchers to bring in the victims.

Kaden and I fell back as Dr. Vic and nurses moved in. The uncles stayed with us, and Nancy rushed over.

“Are you okay? You're walking, so I'm assuming you weren’t shot like them.”

“I’m fine,” I said, but Kaden interrupted.

“He was hit in the back of the head and knocked out. He might have a concussion. I would feel better if he was checked out as well.”

I glared at him, but he didn't relent. Gloria started fussing over me while Nancy yelled for a wheelchair. A nurse appeared moments later, ready to cart me back. I didn't want to make this about me. I was fine. I knew I was fine. I wanted everyone to focus on the others. I wanted them to figure out what had been in the tranquilizers and figure out how to wake them up.

How the hell had this happened again? How was my beautiful mate unconscious without me knowing how to help her? I was reliving the worst time of my life, and I just wanted it to stop.

I followed the directions of the nurse, not arguing when she took all my vitals. She pushed me down to the imaging room, making me lie down for a CT scan. I figured the less I complained or fought, the faster they could be done with me and move on to the people who mattered.

Finally, she brought me to a room with a bed and a chair where Kaden was waiting.

“Why aren't you with a Saige or the others?” I asked as I stood from the wheelchair and climbed into the bed at the nurse's request.

“They won't let me see any of them. Rainer told me it'd be best if I waited here, and they would update me as soon as they knew anything.”

“So it's not just a simple tranquilizer?”

He shook his head. “They've done different blood tests, and the doctor doesn't recognize what's in their systems.”

Of course, he doesn't. I dropped my head onto the thin pillow.

“I'm having flashbacks,” I admitted.

“I know, man. Me too.”

I don't think either of us ever expected to be in this position again. But hopefully, this wasn't the same situation as an unknown curse.

“Have you heard anything about the people that did this?”

“No, I've been trying to listen, but wherever they're talking is too far for me to hear anything.” He dropped his head into his hands. “I should have known something like this was coming. I heard the guards complaining. I heard people around the compound talking about how they didn't want us here, but I chose to believe that since the majority didn't mind, that we'd be safe. That the good outnumbered the people who posed a threat. I’m such an idiot.”

“There's no way you could have known they would go this far because it doesn't make sense. Why would they try to take Saige but none of us? They could have taken Theo before we realized he was down. They could have taken him to draw the rest of us. They could have taken Sai when we were out there. They only went for Saige. If they wanted the bounty, they would have taken all of us and turned us over to the Council.”

“None of this makes sense,” he agreed, then went quiet, leaving me with my own thoughts.

I didn't know how shifters broke through my spells. They had to have had magic of their own, unless they had a witch to help them, but the only witch I knew of was Serene, Saige’s teacher. She wouldn't turn against her. Would she?

Saige had nothing but good things to say about her. She thought they were becoming friends.

That was the only thing that made sense, not that any of this did.

I must have fallen asleep, because the sound of the door opening startled me. The Alpha and his sons walked in, and I sat up.

“Is she okay? Is she awake? What about Theo and Sai?”

The Alpha held up his hand. “I know you're concerned about your bond mates, but we don't have any updates yet.”

“What do you mean?” Kaden shouted. “They’re not awake?”

“Not yet. The doctor’s looking into it, but so far, they can't identify what was in the tranquilizers to cause this.”