Page 90 of Severed By Magic

Seeing him slip into this role made my anxiety and fear worse. He was putting up a wall. He was separating us from himself. He was going into leader mode, rather than trying to sympathize or comfort because I knew he couldn't, or wouldn't, lie to me.

Theo tightened his arm around my shoulders, and I dropped my head against his chest, inhaling his spicy scent. A memory resurfaced. The dream of him being tortured. Seeing his unresponsive body and having to run.

It felt like a lifetime ago, and I realized I hadn’t had a dream or vision for a long time . . . not since we moved.

I stared down at my wrist as the realization set in.

“The iron cuffs cut off all my powers,” I said, mostly to myself, but everyone stopped talking and turn to me.

“That's right,” Tom sounded confused by the sudden topic change. They probably all were.

“That means they were preventing my nightmares. My premonitions.” I met the guys’ gazes one at a time. “I didn't see this coming because I was stopping myself from shifting. I could have prevented this. I could have warned them! I could have done something!”

“No! Stop!” Kaden dropped to his knees in front of me, taking both of my hands and his. “You don't know that. There's no way of knowing if you would have seen anything or would have been able to make sense of the vision enough to know what was happening.”

“Plus, you're doing the best thing for you,” Theo reminded me.

No wonder I'd been sleeping so well. I took my potion that prevented me from having frequent nightmares, but I should have realized it was working too well, better than it ever had at school. I should have realized I was having dreamless sleep, something I almost never experienced in my life. How could I let something so huge slip by without notice?


Lovely, sweet Hannah. The first person to accept me into this world. The best friend I'd ever had, and I've let her down. She was dragged into this because of me. She was noticed and made a target because of me.

“We have to do something,” I begged Kaden. “We have to get them back.”

“We will,” he promised.

I couldn't imagine what my friends were facing. My stomach rolled again at the memory of Theo’s tortured body.

And Natasha.

“Why would they take Natasha? Her grandfather’s on the Council.”

“We're not sure,” the Alpha admitted.

“You don't know much of anything,” Sai mumbled behind me.

“This doesn't make sense.” I paused as an idea came to me. “Maybe she got them out. Maybe she knew something was happening, and she got Hannah out.”

I started believing my own words, hoping that they were true.

“We have surveillance of them being removed. They were unconscious.”

That thought made me sick. My hopes disappeared.

The Alpha spoke again. “It's possible her grandfather doesn't know. We have a theory not everyone in the Council has agreed with the treatment of hybrids. I was hoping there were people on the inside who were supportive, and I think this confirmed it. I don't think her grandfather would have allowed her to be taken.”

I never met the man, and Natasha was careful not to speak about him, but I wondered if that was true.

“What do we do now?”

“There is nothing to do. You continue working and training, and we’ll continue to try to track them down.”

Doing nothing wasn't an option for me. I couldn't even consider sitting around while my friend was lost somewhere in the world.

Theo stood with me still in his arms. “Come on. Let's head back home. I think everyone will understand if we quit a little early today.”

I didn't see or hear the Alpha reply, but since no one mentioned a different plan, I figured he hadn’t argued.