Page 44 of Severed By Magic

Having correct data was incredibly important in decision making, and I wanted to supply it as quickly as possible.

I opened the backend, where I could view all the current information and edit it in one place. As I dragged the bar to reveal more columns, I spotted one I hadn’t expected.

“Number of mates?” I muttered. We were not the only bond of more than two? The Alpha, or someone, would have mentioned that before now, wouldn’t they?

My eyes ran the length of the column only seeing the number one, so I continued to scroll until the number two jumped out.

A group of three?

I decided to go about this in a more efficient manner and searched out all entries greater than one.

Three people. All with the same residence. A woman and two men. A bond?

My heart raced with the possibilities. Kaden was adamant we meet another group to ask for advice and training tips, but I hadn’t been hopeful we’d find one. I’d never been so happy to be wrong.

I scribbled down their names and address and pushed the note into my pocket before returning to my work. It took only a few minutes for me to see just how necessary this update was. I’d only gone through four rows, and there was more incorrect information than not. It was amazing anything got done when they were working off this mess as the master list. Good thing I was up for the challenge.

The task was so consuming that I skipped lunch without noticing until my stomach growled around three. I stretched and rolled my shoulders before continuing. Working through multiple meals was normal for me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling I was onto something.

I had a map of the compound pulled up as I worked through the residences. My thought had been to make sure I wasn’t listing multiple families at the same place and needing a visual representation to double check my work. I sorted the sheet by address, working one area at a time. I’d covered three streets so far and was nearly done with the fourth. There was something missing. One house wasn’t accounted for. It was tucked behind two other buildings, so no one would see it from the main road.

Based on the other accessible records, the two-bedroom cottage had been the residence of an elderly couple, presumably empty since they passed two years ago.

An empty house? Two rooms would be a squeeze for the five of us, but anything was better than a single room at the Alpha’s residence.

I searched through every source I could think of, but the address didn’t come up, as if it vanished—or forgotten. Was it a mistake, an oversight? If so, it would be the perfect place for us.

I had to know.

I locked my computer and pulled on my coat, hoping to find Nancy in the office. She was near the front desk, speaking to a woman I’d yet to meet formally, but when she saw me, she came over.

“Is everything all right? You look upset.”

“Not at all, but I was wondering if it would be okay if I stepped out for a bit. I didn’t take a lunch break, so this can count, if––”

“Of course, Niall. You don’t need to ask permission. I trust you to get your work done.” She smiled and patted my shoulder before returning to her previous conversation.

That was good to know and also flattering to have gained her trust so quickly. It could be useful to have her on my side.

I hurried outside and headed to the spot I’d memorized from the map. The small cottage was less than a ten-minute walk along a snow-covered path. Anticipation and excitement ran through me as I noted the lack of shoe prints. The path hadn’t been shoveled, which was another good sign.

It was perfect, secluded but still close enough to walk to our jobs and training. The two front windows were frosted, but I could see through enough to know it was unoccupied. There was a stillness about a place when it wasn’t in use. A couch and loveseat faced a fireplace and small kitchen. A short hall led to what I assumed were the bedrooms and a single bathroom.

Yes, it would be a tight fit, but I doubted anyone would complain. We could fit a single bed in the living room if we had to. It would work. We would find a way, but first, I had to get permission.

I didn’t want to get anyone excited about the possibility, only to have our hopes dashed. That wouldn’t be fair. So, I trekked back to the office, hoping Nancy was still around.

Chapter 13

Ahouse of our own? It seemed too good to be true.

“I thought there was a wait.”

I doubled checked all the drawers in the closet were empty and we weren’t leaving anything behind. Niall zipped up the last suitcase and pulled it out of the bathroom as I followed him.

“Well, this house has been unclaimed for two years, and Nancy felt we deserved it since the others on the waiting list were already in homes of their own. Plus, there aren’t many who want such a small space.”

“I can’t believe you found it.” Kaden shook his head. “Actually, I can. Of course, you would catch a tiny detail that everyone else missed.”