Page 38 of Severed By Magic

“We can try––”

“Saige, I promise. You can’t even find your friends at Drexel because of the spells.”

My shoulders dropped. She was right. Anyone I hoped to find would be blocked. Plus, finding out Hannah and Daniel and Malik were at the Academy didn’t mean they were safe, just that they hadn't been taken.

“You told me the Alpha was watching over them.” She continued, “Did you ask him for an update?”

“No, I haven't seen or talked to him for days. I tried to bring it up with Gloria, but she always brushes me off. She says he’s trying, and they will tell me if they hear anything.”

“But you don't believe them?” She narrowed her eyes. “No, it's not that. You're impatient.”

She already figured me out. “Yeah. I guess I am.”

“Why don't you give it one more try, and if you don't hear anything, I’ll consider trying a locator spell.”

That was fair. I didn’t want either of us getting in trouble, especially not her.

“Now I think it's time for your Water training.”

She looked past me. Niall had approached.

“Thanks,” I told her before going to him and taking his offered hand.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

I hesitated, trying to remember if he mentioned anything this morning. “For what?”

We headed toward a small street a good distance away from the main compound, and I spotted Theo on the other side. Before I could say hi, he threw a fireball at me.

I held up my hands, encompassing his flame in a sphere of water before throwing it into the stream. Then put my hand over my chest and glared at Theo. “What the hell was that?”

“We were making sure your training is working,” Niall said calmly. “Good job.”

“Of course, it's working. We’ve been at this for weeks.”

“That was all practice. You’ve never been attacked, so we had to know what you would do,” Theo called from the other side.

I glared back at forth between them before twisting and throwing all my force behind a stream of water, hitting them both directly in the chest. It threw them back several feet. They both landed with loud thuds on their backs.

Theo coughed. “Yeah, I think she’s got it.”

Niall didn’t move when he replied. “Noted.”

It took them a ridiculous amount of time for them to recover and stand, and I took advantage by building a stockpile of snowballs.

When they finally got to their feet, I lifted my arsenal all at once and launched my assault.

Theo threw his hands up, creating a wall of fire that melted the snow, so he ended up getting sprayed with hot water. Niall waved his hand, redirecting those aimed at him to hit a nearby tree.

“Nice try.” He eyed me. “Are you wanting to start a war?”

Since there was the nearly frozen stream between us, I was feeling a little cocky.

“Two against one?” I pretended to be worried.

“I’ll be on your team,” Theo offered, but I shook my head.

“No, I was thinking it was already unfair for you guys.”