Page 16 of Severed By Magic

The two shifters faced me. “You can’t?”

I shook my head. They shared a look.

“Can you smell which way they went?” Sai asked.

I snorted. “No, is that a serious question?”

Kaden rubbed his jaw. “Guys, go into the bathroom.”

Without asking questions, Niall, Sai, and Theo left.

Kaden gazed down at me. “Can you sense them?”

I inhaled. Nothing, so I closed my eyes and tried to listen for their steps before giving up. “No.”

The shower started, and I perked up. “I heard that.”

Kaden smirked. “Yeah, it doesn’t take a shifter to hear that. Can you tell who’s about to get in?”

Could he?


“It seems you don’t have the same shifter abilities Sai and I have. At least, not in this form.”

I sank into the couch. “Really? I never noticed it.”

“I guess I assumed because you could hear the wolf howls. You can’t smell any of us?” he asked, squinting in thought.

“Not unless you’re super stinky.”

The joke couldn’t quell my disappointment. Maybe this was something I should have realized sooner, but with so much going on, I didn’t realize my abilities hadn’t changed after I shifted.

“Another hybrid mystery.” He shrugged. “Come on, we better hurry them along or we’ll all be late.”

I followed him into the bathroom and nearly covered my eyes when I realized it was Theo in the shower.

The large-enough-for-several-people shower, with glass panels, and nothing to obscure the view of his naked body.

He was my. . . mate. Ugh, I might have to get over it and accept that word. I shouldn’t be embarrassed to see him. We’d fooled around, but not to the point of being naked together.

This felt like a violation. He might not care about the guys being in here, but what about me?

“I should wait.” I tried to back out of the room, but Niall caught me.

“Since Sai and Kaden will probably work outside, they’re going to shower at night. You can go next. You take longer than I do to get ready.”

He played with the end of my ponytail and smiled before heading into the closet.

Right. It made perfect sense.

But getting naked. In front of all of them? Intentionally? Without the cover of darkness or sheets? It was one thing to undress in the heat of the moment, but right now?

My heart raced, but it nearly burst from my chest when Theo turned off the water. Time was running out.

There was only one bathroom. I couldn’t kick them out when they all needed to get ready too.

Play it cool. Maybe if I slowly made my way over, I could go unnoticed. They were all busy, so it wasn’t like they would stare at me.