Page 14 of Severed By Magic

“Oh. Hi, Alpha,” Niall sounded disappointed, and I dropped my head.

Why him? Couldn't he have just forgotten about us? I wanted to remain in the bubble!

“Hello, Niall.”

Kaden patted my back, following me to the door. I hesitated when I saw my uncles, Rainer and Tom.

“Hi.” I gave a small wave.

“I hope we’re not interrupting,” the Alpha said as he looked around. There wasn’t much to see. We kept the room clean and our things put away in the closet. He finally met my eyes with a satisfied look. “We’ve given you time to rest, but it’s time to get to it.”

It? What was it?

Rainer, the youngest of my uncles with the kind brown eyes, led the way back to the sitting area. “Why don’t we start with any questions you have.”

Tom, the grumpy oldest, and my grandfather followed, taking the two armchairs, leaving me and my bonded to squeeze together on the couch. I ended up between Sai, who rested his hand on my bare knee, and Theo, who put his arm behind me, gently resting on my shoulder so we stayed connected.

Anyone have a question?I asked.

About a million,Sai teased.

Let’s see what they offer up first,Niall replied.

“We didn’t want to overwhelm you all the second you arrived, which is why we took a few days to come down.” Rainer leaned forward on his elbows. “Some of your concerns might be addressed the longer you’re here and participate in the community, but is there anything pressing you’d like to know?”

I didn’t know where to start, but there was only one thing I couldn’t get out of my head. “When can we contact our friends and family?”

Rainer looked to his father.

The Alpha stared at me. “Robert is back home. He and his wife are safe and have increased their security. He’s been in touch with your aunt, who is also safe, and updated her on your status.”

“She knows I’m here?” I clarified.

“She doesn’t know your exact location, but she knows you’re out of the hands of the Council and are safe.”

Masie must be freaking out, but was Robert able to tell her I was with my other grandfather if everyone thought he was dead? And what about Rodney? There seemed to be history between them. Maybe it was best that no one else knew, but I hated thinking she might be worried about me.

“And my parents?”

He cringed slightly, and I wished I knew why. Did he have a problem with them? They took me in when no one else would.

“Your aunt spoke to them.”

Was that all I was going to get? No details? No updates on them?

“That’s great, but you didn’t answer her question,” Kaden said, much more respectfully than I could have managed right now.

Tom narrowed his eyes. “That will have to be good enough for now. We can’t let all of you call your parents or friends and risk letting them know where you are.”

“But some of them are missing,” Niall added, making my heart clench. We had no way of getting updates about his brothers now.

“If we hear of any news, we will let you know,” Rainer promised. “But it is too risky for you to call out. The Council is looking for you.”

“They know we’re with you,” I pointed out.

My uncle shrugged one shoulder. “Yes, but our territory extends over most of the United States and Canadian border, and beyond. This is just one of the Alpha’s homes in one of many compounds.”

What? I thought this was the headquarters.