Page 82 of Severed By Magic

“I want you to know that we’re taking this very seriously. That we’re increasing security. There will be a guard stationed at your house around the clock from now on.”

That should have made me feel safe, but it made me feel guilty. His people had better things to do. Jobs that needed to be done.

“I recommend you go back to work or training whatever your normal schedule is for today. Let the pack see you. Remind them that you’re people too. Children even. Show them you’re a part of their community.”

It wasn’t up for debate. We stood once we were dismissed and went downstairs to head in our separate directions. I said goodbye to the boys and headed down the hall with Niall to the offices. He gave me a kiss before I went into the room where I worked with Gloria.

“Oh, Saige,” she ran to me and wrapped me in her arms.

I hugged her back, but I didn’t want this to turn into a scene. Even though we already had the attention of my handful of coworkers.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, then glanced around. I hadn’t heard about any injuries from last night, but I hoped no one here was affected.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” one of the other women, Mindy, said before getting back to work.

“Thank you.” I ducked my head and moved with Gloria over to her desk.

“We have a service request for today, and I was hoping you can take it.”

“Of course.” I wanted to be of help, especially to someone in the pack.

“We have a sick mother with a child that needs to be watched after, just for a few hours, so she can rest or shower on her own without having to worry. Her husband’s away on pack duties, so someone suggested that she might need help.”

Babysitting wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was something I was more than equipped to handle. “I can do that.”

“Great. I called Abi this morning and told her someone was coming, and she nearly cried with relief.” Gloria handed me a small piece of paper with an address on it and directions below with how to get there. “I told her you would come by for three hours, but if you would like to stay longer and you see a need, then please feel free. You can let me know, and I’ll have lunch sent to you both if you’d like.”

“Abi?” I folded the paper in my hands. “Steven’s wife?”

“Yes, your aunt.”

This felt strange now, almost forced. We hadn’t spoken since the carnival, and I’d basically given up on getting to know anyone besides Gloria and Rainer. Maybe this was the push I needed. “Okay.”

“Thank you for being willing to help, Saige. This means a lot.”

A few of my coworkers glanced up as I headed out, and I realized she said that louder than necessary on purpose. Too bad this was literally my job, not me going out of my way to help this woman. Although I would have done it if anyone had asked me.

I wasn’tsure what to expect when I knocked on the cabin door. Up until now, I thought Steven and his family lived in the main lodge, but it was just Rodney and Rainer, now that the older two moved out.

Abi opened the door, looking exhausted and in the need of a nap. She held a tissue up to her mouth and sighed when she saw me.

“You’re here.”

I opened my mouth to answer when her youngest son ran up and peered at me from behind her legs.

She ruffled his hair and smiled at him. “Remember Saige? She’s your cousin.”

I waved. “Hi.”

He eyed me up and down, and I shuffled on my feet.

“Sorry, come in. Tyson, baby, you can go back to your show.”

The mini version of Steven ran back to the couch and crawled up, focusing back on the cartoon.

“Thanks for coming by. Normally, I’d be fine on my own, but this cold is kicking my butt.”