Page 55 of Severed By Magic

Niall spoke up. “We've gathered some from reading and research, but we didn't have any other bonds to talk to at the Academy. We had an instructor who tried to help us, but we're in a unique situation.”

Joey laughed. “I can't imagine what it's like having three other guys around. One is more than enough for me.”

Niall snorted, but it came out sounding more like a scoff.

Dustin chuckled. “All right, tell us where you are? What you've done so far? You went through the bonding ceremony?”

“And we think we’ve completed the bond. We're able to speak telepathically as long as we're touching,” Kaden said.

Emily nodded, waiting.

“And that's basically it,” I finished.

They didn’t react, which made me wonder why Serene had been so alarmed. Emily clapped her hands.

“Well, it looks like we can be of some help to you, then.”

“Just like that?” I asked. “You guys are willing to help us?”

“Of course,” Joey confirmed. “It's kind of our duty. Not only because you guys are pack, but because you're another large bond.”

“What do you want in return?” Kaden asked slowly. He wasn't normally the one to be skeptical, but he seemed uncomfortable.

“We received help when we first met from a bond in another pack, and now it's our turn to pay it forward. I’m sure there will come a time when a young bond needs your help, and you can look back on this. Remember that helping them is your duty.”

“That sounds fair,” Niall agreed, then looked at me. I gave his knee a squeeze.

“Thank you very much.”

“Do you want to call your two other mates over?” Dustin asked.

I nodded, then realized we didn't have our phones. “I don't know how to reach them.”

Emily grinned. “This can be step one. We can teach you guys how to communicate telepathically without having to touch.”

She went through the steps, telling me to close my eyes and feel for the connection to Sai. I hadn't thought about trying to identify how I was connected to each of the guys, but as she described it, I felt a thread reaching out that was distinctly Sai.

“I think I've got it.”

“Perfect. Now focus on that. Bring all your attention to that spot. Pull it forward, towards you. You might feel some resistance if he's not used to it. But just stay there. Keep trying. He should respond.”

I did as she said, amazed at how easy it was. My brows drew tighter as I met the resistance she described—like I hit Sai’s mental barriers. I focused on him, hoping he would let me in. Finally, a dam broke, and our connection flowed through easily.

Saige?he questioned, and I heard his voice in my mind.

Yes, I cheered.

What are you doing? How is this happening?

We're meeting with the other bond, and they've agreed to help us. They want you to come over to the house, so we can continue together.

Okay.He sounded flustered.Okay, I can do that.

I told him the address and asked,Is Theo with you?

Yeah, he's out in the living room. I’ll grab him, and we'll head over. This is so cool, Saige. I don't even know it was possible.

Me either.Hurry up.Right before I pulled back into my head, I added,I love you.