Page 18 of Severed By Magic

Come on, let's at least try to blend in,Theo encouraged.

Sai nodded, and they headed toward the carnival games lining the street in front of the main lodge.

I don't want to do that,Niall said as if I would ask him.

I knew better than that.

Well, there isn't a library for you to run away to, Kaden shot back at him.

I took a step back from both of them, breaking the bond. If they wanted to be mean to each other, I wouldn’t let them use me to communicate.

“Let's check out the food,” I offered.

They trailed behind me until we got to a wider opening, and Niall took my hand, walking next to me. I expected Kaden to do the same on my other side, but he stayed back.

Thank you.

Niall squeezed my hand. “This is just an adjustment. Things will get better.”

I wanted to believe him and that people here would accept us. Finding a new home among them would solve so many problems, but my optimism had been running short lately.

“Let's try this,” Kaden called and pointed to the cotton candy stand. “Do you like candy floss?”


“You’ve never had it?” Niall asked, taking a step closer to Kaden.

They both stared at me like I’d grown a second head.

“What are you guys talking about?”

Niall pointed over my shoulder. “Candy floss.”

“You mean cotton candy?”

He turned to Kaden. “It’s a good thing you’re around.”

Niall moved around me to order one for us to share. As much as I didn't normally like when they ganged up on me, I had to admit their shared Irish background was entertaining at times like this. Watching the two of them team up and argue with Sai over the correct names for things was a favorite pastime.

“Here you go,” Niall offered me the pink and blue concoction. I tore a small piece off, shoving in my mouth and closing my eyes as it melted on my tongue.

“I haven’t had this since I was a kid,” I admitted.

“I don’t think I have either.” Kaden ripped off another chunk. “It tastes exactly how I remember.”

“Let's load up on things you would normally never eat,” Niall offered the challenge with a smile pulling at his lips.

This playful side of him was rare, especially in groups like this, so I jumped on the opportunity.

“You're saying we should have a corn dog eating contest?” I challenged as I backed away toward the booth.

Niall and Kaden laughed, following me to the next food stand. Kaden got enough for the three of us and we stood in a circle, holding a corn dog in each hand as Niall counted down from three. We dove in, seeing who could eat the fastest. I had no chance of winning, especially because it was hard to swallow when I was laughing so hard, but I hadn't been this happy in a long time. The guys hadn’t been this relaxed in so long. If only I could live in this moment forever, carefree, eating junk food, and laughing without a thinking about the rest of the world.

Niall finished first, throwing his hands in the air, still clutching the sticks. I stepped up to him, winding my arms around his neck and kissing him until Kaden booed behind me.

I broke away with a giggle.

“That's not fair. I want one.” He pouted his lips.