Page 101 of Severed By Magic

“Give her some space. She needs a second.”

Their voices all blended together as my mind went through what just happened. How could I tell them? How could I burden them with this knowledge when there was nothing we could do to change it? How could I tell them that our friends needed us more than ever, while we were just as trapped?

Saige please, Nail pleaded in my mind.Please talk to us. If you can't say it out loud, just think it. Share it with us.

I close my eyes, feeling the trail of wetness slipped down my cheeks. I sniffed and wiped under my nose. “They have them.”

No one asked who I was talking about. They waited until I was able to get everything out.

“The Council. They’re at the castle I saw. The one on the lake. That’s where they're holding Hannah and Natasha and Daniel.”

“You saw them?”

“They're alive?”

I licked my lips, trying to gather the words. “They were with guards. It looked like they were finally being let outside after a long time. They were only out there for a few minutes before the guards did something, and they all collapsed. They were in pain. They screamed.”

I started shaking again, and Theo rubbed my back. How can I tell them what else I'd seen?

“Is that all?” Kaden asked gently.

I shook my head. None of them pressed for more information, giving me the chance to figure out how to put this into words.

“Hannah and Natasha were pregnant.”

I stared at the thin, woven hospital blanket, not wanting to see any of the guys’ reactions. No one said anything for so long. I finally looked up at their horrified expressions.

Niall rubbed a hand over his mouth, then jaw. “Daniel was with Hannah?”

“Yeah, and a guy I didn't recognize was with Natasha.”

His jaw clenched. “Who wants to bet that man wasn't a witch?”

“What does that matter?” Sai asked.

I knew.

“Hannah and Daniel would have a hybrid,” I said, startled by the lack of emotions in my voice.

Niall held my stare as the rest of them finally understood.

“Why would they create hybrids if they're trying to kill us?” Theo asked.

“Maybe they aren't trying to kill us,” Niall’s voice broke. “Maybe they're trying to control us.”

Chapter 29

As much as I didn't want to stay in the main lodge, I couldn't bear the thought of going back to our little cottage now that it had been violated. All the feelings of safety and comfort were gone. A piece of my heart broke at the loss of our first home, but it was safer for all of us to stay under the same roof as the Alpha and my uncles.

Several guards posted in our hallway as well as the ground below our windows. Tom assured us they were their most trusted and had proven their loyalty not only to the Alpha but to us.

I cuddled between Sai and Niall in our huge bed, wishing I had my sleeping potion with me for all of us to find rest.

It had been hard to allow ourselves to sleep, even in shifts.

How could I rest? How could I sleep in the arms of my mates when my best friend––no, my best friends––were trapped, being held prisoner, and forced to carry children?

It was so wrong. Disturbing on a level I never knew possible. I didn't know the full extent of the Council's evil until now.