Page 35 of Seized By Magic

He inhaled, and I started giggling.

“Did you just sniff me?”

His chest rumbled under me. “I’m just taking you in. I’ve waited for so long for this. I don’t want to miss a single detail.”

“You smell like open fields. Like grass, but not the kind in a yard. I can’t explain it.” I sniffed him again. “And mountain air.”

“You smell like vanilla and a hint of something else.” He inhaled deeply. “Ginger?”

“My shampoo and conditioner have vanilla. I’m not sure about the ginger.” Did all the guys smell the same thing? Did Sai pick up on anything else?

Last night’s discussion came to mind, and I quickly changed the subject. “Have you thought about what you want to do when you graduate?”

“I haven’t really considered anything past finding you. That’s been my focus for so long. I’m not sure what to do with myself now.”

I slipped my arm over his stomach and wrapped my hand around his neck. “I’m glad you found me.”

He lifted his head and grinned down at me. “Me too.”

I caught his watch when he turned his wrist and jerked up. “Oh, no.”

“What?” He sat up with wide eyes.

“It’s past seven. I have tutoring with Niall. I’m late.”

“I think he’ll understand.”

I shot him an exasperated look while climbing to my feet. “You really don’t know him then.”

He got up and handed me my jacket and backpack. Then we pulled on our shoes before heading back into the forest.

“This way.” He found a path that paralleled the tower and dining hall and wrapped around to the back of Phoenix Hall. I wanted to ask how he knew about it, but there wasn’t time. I ran up the stairs and unlocked the door. He trailed behind me.

I scanned the living room, but it was empty. Where was Niall?

“Niall?” I called, hoping he’d come out of his room.

“I don’t think he’s here.”

Shit. The library. He was waiting in our room.

“I’ve got to get to the library.” I should have gone there first, but I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.

“Why don’t you text him and ask him to come back here? You can use the loft.” He pointed up, and I remembered the area could be made sound proof.

I took the stairs two at a time and sighed when I found him bent over a notebook with a text laid open next to him.

“Found him,” I called to Kaden and waved.

I stepped up to the landing. Niall glanced at me, then waved me forward. I expected to feel a barrier or something but didn’t notice a difference.

“Did you soundproof this?”

He nodded.

“Sorry, I’m late. I lost track of time.”

No response.