Page 32 of Seized By Magic

Chapter 8

The huge improvement in my magical abilities I hoped would result from the bonding ceremony hadn’t yet materialized, which was annoying because I’d built it up in my mind that I would walk into Mrs. Sharrinton’s lab and immediately be able to create a portal wide enough to move the entire class to the other side of the world.


No changes.

I was as stuck as always. The only positive was walking out of the tower after Earth magic to see Kaden leaning against a bench waiting for me. Both the guys and girls were eyeing him and whispering as they passed, but I went right up to him.

“How many times have you been recruited to a rugby team?”

He put his arm around my shoulders and stepped onto the path leading away from our building.

“Three before lunch and another five after, but I think that’s because I was in all shifter classes.”

“Good thing you like to play because I don’t think you have a choice.” Not walking around with his muscles showing through his thermal. He was practically a billboard for strength and fighting. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Nah, it’s about the same as Scotland, and we’ve been inside most of the time.”

I shivered under my too-thin jacket, which he noticed.

He pulled me in closer, and we cut into the forest.

“Where are we going?”

He didn’t answer, but it wasn’t long before we stopped in front of a small wooden building I’d never seen before. We were in the general area of the only party I’d been to, where Theo and Sai had brought me for a campfire.

“How did you know about this?”

“The guys told me. There are a few old buildings scattered in the woods. They used to be for maintenance storage or overflow classes, but have been vacant for years. Theo and Sai said they found this one their first year and claimed it.”

“Claimed it?” It was little more than a shack. A door and a single window from what I could see.

“Cast a protective spell that made it invisible to anyone they didn’t want finding it.”

“But they showed you?” Why would they let him in on that kind of secret?

“Yeah, they figured the five of us would need a place to get away that wasn’t the shifting area or our apartment.”

“That was nice of them.” Why was I immediately suspicious? Did they bug this place? Were they listening in? Watching?

“Come on.” He opened the door, and I stepped in, my mouth dropping. The interior couldn’t have possibly fit. It was a huge living room complete with a wide couch, fur rug, fireplace, and small table with a mini-fridge and microwave in another corner.

It was amazing.

“They said they pretty much found it like this. Previous students must have fixed it up and left it for the next group to find.”

I couldn’t believe they kept this from me until now.

What did they use it for? They were usually hanging out with me or Daniel.

“Come on.” He took my hand and led me to the couch. I dropped my bag to the ground and sat with my legs crossed, facing him. “I meant what I said. We need to talk about us.”

“You and me, or the five of us?”

He pulled up his knee and twisted so he was mostly facing me. “Both, I guess. I wanted to talk about you and me first.”
