He hugged me to his side and kissed the top of my head. “We’re all here for you.”
“Thanks.” I savored the safe, simple feeling of my friend needing this moment to prepare myself.
Why was it so easy to be around some people, but so unnatural with others? Maybe it was because there was no pressure. I knew what the expectations were with Malik and Travis. They were my friends. People I could rely on and trust without the complication of my heart. Or a bond.
It should be this easy with the guys. I shouldn’t have to second-guess or hesitate when I want to say something. Maybe that was a point we would work towards and eventually reach.
“Saige?” Malik asked, and I blinked, turning back to him.
“We’ve been saying your name for a full minute,” Travis chuckled, “Where’d you go?”
I shook my head, I couldn’t bring up what I’d been thinking about lately.
“Come on, you can tell us,” Malik leaned in so the three of us were packed together.
“No judgment here,” Travis whispered.
I wanted to talk to Hannah about this, but she was too wrapped up in Daniel right now, and I had to bring it up with the guys before the ceremony. I looked between them and sighed.
“I need to have a really awkward conversation with the guys, but I’m not sure how.”
“Oh, my favorite,” Travis winked. “How can we help?”
I ducked my head to keep my blush from being too obvious.
“She’s embarrassed,” Malik teased. “This must be good.”
I shot him a half-hearted glare.
“Come on. You can tell us.”
Maybe they could help me with this. “I’m not very experienced. Like at all.” I widened my eyes, hoping they got the point.
They both nodded, so I continued.
“But I don’t know about the guys. I feel like talking about that and setting expectations is important before tomorrow.”
Travis bobbed his head from side to side. “It’s only a big deal if you make it one, and you obviously feel it is. Your guys should respect that and be open to conversation, but it’s possible not all of them will want to tell the others. If that’s the case, you should ask to speak to them privately.”
“Normally, I would agree, but they are bonded. There shouldn’t be secrets,” Malik countered.
Travis shrugged. “You can’t force five people to be on the same page, especially this soon. It’s going to take time for them to get used to each other before they’re able to trust and be completely transparent.”
“Offering to go first would help,” Malik suggested.
“Well, that’s easy since she has nothing to share.” Travis squeezed my shoulder. “Go talk to them. We’ll entertain ourselves until you all are done.”
Right. Just walk up to them and ask them to talk privately. Perfect.
I’m going.
I’m doing it.
In a minute.
“Go on.” Malik waved me forward.