Page 95 of Seized By Magic

No. My heart protested, but my instincts screamed that was right.

I closed my eyes when we got in the elevator as if that would make the dizziness of the sudden movements go away. I groaned, and they hurried down the hall.

“Hang in there.” Sai shoved his key into the door, and the second it opened, they ran across the room to lay me on the couch.

I curled in on myself, and one of them draped a blanket over me.

“Tell me exactly what you’re feeling.” Sai’s voice was close, but I didn’t open my eyes to find out where.

“Everything’s wrong. Too much.”

A hand trailed across my forehead. “She’s burning up. Is that normal?” Niall asked.

“Call Kaden. Get him here. It wasn’t normal for me, but I’m not a wolf shifter,” Sai barked out.

“I already texted him and Theo to get here. Shit. Do you know any wolf shifters?” Niall sounded more stressed than I’d ever heard him.

“None that I can call and ask these questions, not without raising suspicions.” Sai let out a low rumble. “My tiger can sense her wolf. I’ve never been able to before.”

“What do we do?” Niall asked. He was never the one to ask that. He took charge. He made plans. If he didn’t know, what chance did I have?

“Call Hedgings,” Sai offered.

“Oh, yeah.”

Steps sounded, and I pictured Niall leaving.

The image was almost too clear to not be real. How was I doing that? It was like I was watching him, but my eyes were still scrunched closed. I could see our apartment. Where things were and the exact route he took.

It was weird.

I didn’t like it.

I rubbed my hands over my eyes, but the vision didn’t go away.

“What’s wrong?” Sai asked.

“I can see. With my eyes closed, I can still see the room and track Niall’s movements.”

“That’s the wolf in you. I can do something similar. Our senses are so much more than a human’s. We draw in the smells, sounds, vibrations, and memory to create a sort of mental map of our area. It’s how we track prey.”

I opened my eyes, and he was leaning forward with so much concern in his dark eyes. “I hate it.”

His lips curved into a small smile. “You’ll get used to it.”

I looked down at my covered body. “I’m still human.”

He nodded. “I don’t think this is your first full shift. I think you’re getting closer though.”

“Will it get worse?”

This was the first time I thought about what would happen to me if I ever became the wolf I saw in my dreams. I never considered how I would get from my body to that. Not in detail. It was too foreign. Too far-fetched. In theory, I figured it might happen one day, and my dreams would become reality. Now that it was happening, I was more than freaked out.

I didn’t grow up like Kaden or Sai, knowing this could happen. I didn’t have three or four years of experience to look back on or a family of shifters around me to help me feel normal.

I was normal. Well, human. But not really.

This was a new level of supernatural.