Page 90 of Seized By Magic

Chapter 21

Mrs. Hedgings finally replied to my message about my vision of Theo. I sent her the details the night I saw it, but it took her much longer than I expected to say anything back. I read it over twice before closing my laptop and sliding it across the bed.

The bond. That’s it? My powers are changing and growing, and I should expect more visions? How was that helpful at all?

She didn’t say how to stop them, how to change them, or give any actionable advice. Nope. Just that it was to be expected.

We stopped my nightmares thanks to a potion. Couldn't I stop the visions? I didn’t want to see the people I cared about being tortured or dying in front of me. I wanted the happy moments of me and Sai walking through a city and holding hands. I cherished the one I had at our bonding of the five of us on the beach, in love and carefree.

I didn’t want to see Theo’s face contorted in pain.

I felt as useless with those as I did with the nightmares. What was the point in having to watch them happen if I couldn’t do anything about it?

Were the movies and books right? Maybe what I saw was only one possible version of the future. Things could change. The butterfly effect and all.

I had to hold onto that idea. Otherwise, I’d lose it.

At least I had a packed day to distract me. I wasn’t purposely avoiding Theo through my morning classes, but I didn’t exactly talk to him either.

It was probably all in my head, but things felt awkward now. We crossed a line in our relationship, and it didn’t end the way I expected. How are you supposed to act around your bond partner after they reject you? Even if it was for the best, it didn’t make it any less uncomfortable to sit next to him in science, forcing myself not to think about how he looked shirtless or how amazing it felt having his hands on my skin.

The only way I was able to make it through was by keeping my eyes locked on our teachers and my notes. I refused to look anywhere else—even when Hannah tried to whisper to me. I blocked her out because she was sitting on Theo’s other side.

Fortunately, she picked up on my discomfort and pulled me back when we got up to leave for lunch.

“Go ahead.” She waved off Daniel and Theo and waited until they were out of sight before spinning out and facing me. “What’s going on?”

The immediate problem was Theo, but there was also the vision and figuring out how to manage a relationship with four guys.

“I don’t know where to start,” I admitted and fell back against the wall.

“Okay, start with why you were ignoring Theo?”

Only a few students were in the hall, and they hurried in different directions. No one was around to hear. “Because something incredibly awkward happened last night.”

Her eyes lit up. “What happened?”

She was enjoying my discomfort? What a great friend.

“We were in my room, and things were heating up.”

She nodded with a growing smile.

“And I told him I wanted . . .” I was going to die right here. “To keep going, and then he stopped and left.”

In a blink, her grin was gone, and her mouth hung open. “You and he were hooking up, and he got up and left?”

“Yes,” I gritted out.

“What the hell? Why?”

I almost laughed. That was the first time I heard her swear.

“Because before we bonded, I said I wanted to take things slow.”

She looked around as if the explanation was written on the walls. “I don’t understand.”

“He said we had time and could wait.”