Page 84 of Seized By Magic

Crying didn’t change anything. It wouldn’t get me home or let me hug my family. It was a waste that usually ended in a headache, but I didn’t try to stop the tears.

This was hard.

Being apart. Being at this school. Being bonded. Being cursed.

For every step I took forward here, something shoved me ten feet back.

Suddenly, sitting here alone didn’t feel right. I could hide and sulk for a few hours, or I could let the people here in.

I wanted someone to be with me, and my first thought wasn’t Hannah.

That was strange and new. I wasn’t sure I liked it.

But the bond altered things. It amplified feelings. I wanted to be around the guys before, but now I needed them.

The only problem was who? All four? Just one? Two? How was this supposed to work?

Should I base it on who I last spent time with?

No. Keeping track felt weird. Too forced.

Who would most understand me missing my family? All of them.

Okay. That wasn’t helpful.

Who did I want to see right now?

All of them. I didn’t feel a particular pull toward any of them right now.

I could let them decide. I grabbed my phone and sent a message to our group thread.

Saige: Is anyone free right now?

It took a few minutes for the first response to come in.

Niall: They have rugby practice for another hour. What do you need?


I didn’t want to say that in the group, so I sent him a private text.

Saige: Are you busy?

Niall: I’m in the library studying. If you need something, I can leave.

Typical Niall. He answered without giving me the answer I wanted. But that was on me. It wasn’t fair to expect him to read my mind.

Saige: I need to talk to someone. I don’t want to be alone right now.

Niall: I thought you went to the cabin to be alone.

Yes, well. Things changed. I sighed and tried to come up with a response that wasn’t catty but also wasn’t too desperate.

Niall:I’ll meet you at the apartment in ten.

Perfect. He made the decision for me. I put my boots and coat back on, then threw my backpack over my shoulder. Trudging through the forest in the mud was a struggle, but at least I had the proper footwear and no Converse were harmed.

He was already waiting in the living room when I walked in and took off all my cumbersome clothing.