Page 80 of Seized By Magic

The air around me was still. I was in a quiet room. No furniture. Nothing on the light gray walls but cracked paint. The floor was an industrial, no-frill carpet, and the room had only one window with frosted glass so I couldn’t see outside.

And a door. I ran to it and tried the handle. I knew before I touched it that it would be locked, but to my shock, it turned.

I ran into the next room. I wasn’t sure where the urgency was coming from, but I knew I had to move. Time was running out.

I was in a hall with the same sad walls and dingy carpet. An abandoned office building? I passed several doors without checking them. I knew, somehow, that my goal was at the end of the hall and up the stairs. I followed my gut and shoved the door that led to the staircase with my shoulder and took the steps two at a time.



That was why I was here. I needed to help that person. Save them.

I skidded to a stop when the hall went off in three directions.

Which way?

Another scream.

From my left. I took off at a sprint and prayed I wasn’t too late.

A steel door at the end of the hall stood out like a beacon. It was the only one I passed that wasn’t made of wood. Why? What was behind there?

I stopped in front of it, a few inches shy of the window cut out. I stood on my toes and used the frame to balance.



He was strapped down on a table with wires and tubes attached to his head, chest, and arms. He lay silent with his eyes closed until someone standing next to him in a white lab coat pressed a button on a machine.

Theo’s eyes snapped open, and he let out a gut-wrenching scream.

My heart shattered.

I needed to get to him. I had to save him.


I gasped as if resurfacing from underwater and stared at Theo across from me. Safe. Unharmed, but watching me with concern.

“Are you okay?” Sai asked.

I shook my head.

“What happened? What was that?” Niall asked, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Theo. Could either of them see my visions? Were they able to read my thoughts enough to know what I witnessed?

“No, your mind went completely blank,” Niall answered for me.

“I had a vision.”

The table was silent, and Hannah leaned forward. “What happened?”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to repeat it.

“They’ve never come true, Saige. They’re different from your nightmares or your intuition,” she reminded me.

Yeah, because my visions were usually far in the future.