Page 8 of Seized By Magic

“But you’ve never known one this big,” I finished.

“Right. I don’t think it will be any different just because there’s two more than what I’ve known.”

“Four guys and me.” I nearly shivered. “Hannah, I’ve never even had a boyfriend.”

Her head snapped back toward me. We stared at each other in silence for several seconds before we both burst out laughing.

We were too far gone to compose ourselves when the door opened, and Natasha came in.

She stared at us like we obviously lost our minds and dropped her bag on her desk. “Did you two try what Justin was passing around?”

I shook my head, and Hannah wiped her eyes. “What? No.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, still trying to control my giggles.

Natasha shook her head. “Never mind. What’s wrong with you two?”

This was where I was supposed to be direct and tell her what Niall said, but what if she had more advice than Hannah could give me? I didn’t know a single detail about her dating life, but she seemed more experienced than I was, which wasn’t saying very much.

“I’m moving into the upperclassmen dorms.”

She lifted a brow. “Oh?”

“It has nothing to do with you. You’ve been a really great roommate.” I sobered. It was true. All things considered, she was better than I expected. We gave each other space, and she helped me out, even lending me clothes.

“Who’s in your bond?”

I glanced at Hannah, who just shrugged.

Natasha pressed. “There’s only one reason for anyone not in the college courses to move there.”

Well, shit. I should have thought about that. Why didn’t Niall?

Natasha tilted her head. “Let me guess.”

Oh sure. Like she could ever get them all right. Well, maybe that was a good idea.


She smirked. “Niall Kelly, Sai Saleem, and Theo Bridges.”

Damn. She was good.

“How did you know?”

“I’ve seen your bond mark. I recognized it as the same one Theo and Sai have. Niall was a guess because you spend more time with him than anyone else at the school has in the past three years, and that could only be because you’re bonded.”

Okay, so it was going to take roughly a day for the entire school to piece this together.

“Not too shabby.” Hannah sat up and crossed her legs.

I nodded, but froze. She recognized Theo and Sai’s? How?

Sai’s was on his ankle, so maybe she saw it if he was wearing shorts, but Theo? His was on his inner thigh, higher than any shorts or board shorts would ever show.

He had to take off his pants to show me.

I immediately felt sick.

I shouldn’t have been surprised. Just because I was inexperienced didn’t mean the guys were. They’d been at this school for years. They were bound to have dated or hooked up with some of the girls. They had histories, and that was fine. It had to be.

But Natasha?

My roommate?

I wasn’t sure that was something I could get over.