Page 78 of Seized By Magic

I smiled my thanks.

The guys were waiting for us when we left class. Niall, Kaden, and Sai joined Hannah and Daniel in congratulating me as we walked to the dining hall.

“You know, there’s only one explanation,” Sai started.

“My amazing tutoring?” Niall teased.

I laughed until he narrowed his eyes.

Sai held the door open for everyone as we filed past to join the food line. “No, although I’m sure you’ll find a way to take credit for this too. It’s the bond. It released whatever was holding your magic back.”

“Yeah.” It was the only thing that made sense. It’s not like all the hours of trying with Niall and the others didn’t help. I couldn’t have remembered the steps and visualized what I wanted to happen without their tutoring, but it never worked until now.Maybe it took time for the effects of the bonding ceremony to sink in. Or come out?

Either way, I couldn’t deny that my powers were different now.

“Has anything changed with you guys?” I asked, trying to be vague as more people crowded around us.

“Not that I’ve noticed, but I’ve been distracted,” Theo admitted.

“We all have,” Kaden agreed. “Our focus was elsewhere.”

My instinct was to feel bad about that, but being cursed wasn’t exactly in my control.

“Oh, look.” Hannah tapped on my elbow and pointed to a large tray of mac and cheese.

I followed behind and filled my tray, hoping my appetite had returned. It looked good and smelled amazing, but getting it down would be the challenge. I hadn’t been able to eat this morning, but I was hoping my surprising success in class helped my nerves relax.


I turned and froze when I saw Natasha striding toward me. “Hi.”

She never once said anything to me in the dining hall—or anywhere else, for that matter. We kept our communication within our room. Well, her room now.

“How are you?”

Was this small talk? With her? That didn’t make any sense.

“I know what happened.” Her voice was low enough that even the tables beside us wouldn’t be able to hear her over the noise of all the hungry students.

“You do?” None of the guys mentioned this. I assumed only Hannah, Daniel, and maybe Malik knew.

“Your guys came to me. They needed my help.”

Her help? What was she talking about?

“You helped them?”

She smirked. “Figures they didn’t tell you.”

I stepped closer. “What did you do?”

“You can ask them. I was just interested in how it turned out.” She ran her eyes over me. “You seem fine.”

I shrugged. “I think I am.”

She nodded and started to move, but I caught her.

“Thank you. For helping them. And me.”