Page 70 of Seized By Magic

I wasn’t supposed to be alive. I was supposed to have died with my parents. There were only a handful of people who knew the truth.

Was that still true? Had I slipped up in front of the wrong person? Said something I shouldn’t have when I thought it was safe?

The only logical explanation was that this was linked to my being a hybrid, and the council’s new push to ban us.

No interspecies mating.

Yet, I was cursed the day I sealed my bond with three other hybrids.

That couldn’t be a coincidence.

But if hybrids were the target, why not also curse Theo, Kaden, or Niall?

Something didn’t add up.

Masie returned with the healer, and he did a thorough check before clearing me to return to school. I wasn’t sure how he could tell if there was any residual magic left from the curse or not, but I didn’t ask questions.

I wanted to go home.


No. School.

To the guys.

Home was with my family.

My parents and siblings.

The guys weren’t my family.

Well, they were. As of Sunday. Last Sunday. We’d been bonded for over a week, and I’d only been awake for two of the days. Our relationship was getting more and more complicated. What had they done together without me? Had they grown together at all? Torn each other apart?

I needed to know.

“Can I go back now?” I asked Masie again.

“Yeah, let me call the guys and let them know you’re awake and that we’re on our way.”

While she went back to the hall, I got out of the bed and carefully walked to the attached bathroom. My body was weak. My legs trembled with each step.

The second I saw myself, I frowned. I looked normal. Healthy. I expected sunken cheeks or flushed skin. How did I look so . . .healthy?

Was that a part of whatever the healer did? Maybe he restored some of what the sickness stole. I could feel the effects of not moving for so long, but I didn’t show it.

That would be helpful at school. At least I wouldn’t draw attention from my classmates for being the sick girl.

What excuse had the guys come up with? Or did Mrs. Hedgings give my teachers an excuse for my absence? The guys weren’t supposed to be my mates, so they shouldn’t be in charge of explanations.

Did Hannah know? Was she worried? I missed her. I wanted her here right now, brushing my hair because my arms were too weak, and telling me that everything was going to be fine. She’d assure me I didn't miss anything important in my classes and catch me up on any drama the guys caused.

I missed Kaden’s first week of class. How was he transitioning? Was he making friends? Was he even trying?

And Niall? Had he closed himself off? Snuck away to be alone and hide from the guys?

Sai and Theo had each other at least. But what if they were taking their frustration out on each other? That tended to happen with those you were closest to in trying times.

“Are you ready, Saige?” Masie knocked on the door.