Page 6 of Seized By Magic

That made sense, but I didn’t like it. It felt wrong going through something so monumental without any of our families around.

“How are we going to get things together in a day?” I asked, and the rest of the guys moved in closer.

“Don’t worry about that.” Theo flashed me his perfect smile.

“Here’s the thing: I worry about everything.”

“We know,” Sai teased.

Kaden pushed Niall away and replaced him at my side, slinging his arm over my shoulders. “Why don’t you go back to your room and relax for a few minutes? Let us work on some of the details, then we can meet up for lunch.”

I glanced around. “All of us?”

Making plans for lunch didn’t seem necessary. Sai, Theo, and I usually met. Niall was around but rarely sat with us. Then again, Kaden just appeared last night. He didn’t know our routines.

“Oh, I meant the two of us. We have a lot of catching up to do.” His golden eyes shone as they met mine, and I was instantly reminded of who he was.My hawk. My confidant. My only friend in my darkest of times.

But that wasn’t the whole truth. He kept his real identity from me for years. I couldn’t hold that against him forever, but I still had a solid week at least.

Hannah. She didn’t even know about Kaden or the ceremony or the fact that it was happening in less than a day.

“I need to talk to Hannah.”

His brows pulled together. “Hannah?”

“Her best friend,” Sai explained. “Go ahead. We’ll meet up later.”

I shot him a grateful smile and headed toward the girls’ dorm.

“Wait,” Kaden called out. “We need to spend time together too.”

He was right. We were about to be bonded, and we barely knew each other. That only made me more anxious to talk it out with Hannah.

“Let her go,” Niall cut in. “It’s how she processes. She’ll come find you when she’s ready.”

I stared at him, taken aback by how well he knew me. He wasn’t around as much as Theo and Sai, yet he knew how I worked.

“I’ll see you guys later today, I promise.” I offered a small wave before turning and running up the stairs.

Please be in your room. I repeated my chant as I waited for the elevator and took the short ride up to our floor. I walked as fast as I could without running to her door and pounded.

“What?” Her roommate swung open the door. We only met once or twice, but when she saw me, she sighed and stepped back. “It’s for you.”

Hannah stood from her desk and grinned. “Hey, I thought you had tutoring.”

I waved her out of her room. We needed privacy for this conversation, and I wasn’t going to ask her roommate to leave. I hoped Natasha was already gone.

“It was cut short,” I explained as I unlocked the door, peered inside, and flicked on the lights in the empty room.

“Nice. What did you guys work on today?” She hopped onto my bed, and I leaned against Natasha’s, facing her.

“The bonding ceremony.”

Her mouth fell open.

“Last night, everything changed.”

“Apparently!” She covered her mouth, then brushed her hand over her hair, crossing her arms. Once she stopped fidgeting, she asked, “What happened?”