Page 54 of Seized By Magic

“That will not be happening,” Headmaster Goldstein walked in, followed closely by a healer. He scanned each of us in the room before landing on Masie. “Ms. Stone, I didn’t realize you took it upon yourself to check in on your parents’ scholarship students.”

Masie stood to face him. “This is a private matter.”

He gave her a condescending smile. “Indeed, and as the girl’s guardian, I’d like to ask you all to leave.”

“Her guardian?” I asked.

Masie shook her head. “My parents–”

“Signed over guardianship when they enrolled Ms. Williams. They believed I would be better able to assess her needs as I do with all the scholarship students.”

The headmaster was Saige’s guardian? What did that mean for us?

I sensed Niall and lowered my mental shield, grateful we could still communicate. Should we use the mate card? We would have control of where she goes.

Not yet. He told me silently. I don’t think he knows about us yet, and we don’t want him to.

There’s four of us in here with her. Don’t you think that’s enough to tip him off?

If he hasn’t brought it up, then he hasn’t looked too closely at her. Let’s keep it that way for as long as possible.

Goldstein waved a hand in front of himself. “Now that we’ve sorted that, I’m asking you all again to leave.”

I hoped Mrs. Hedging or Ms. Chronis would intervene, and I realized the latter had disappeared. When did she leave?

The healer stepped forward. “I’ve discussed Saige’s situation with the headmaster, and we’ve agreed the best course of action is to send her to a larger facility that’s better equipped to treat her.”

Sai shook his head. “No.”

The healer shifted on her feet. “I know you would rather her stay here, but it's in her best interest.”

“I believe my parents should be made aware of the situation. I’m sure they would like to have a say in these extenuating circumstances,” Masie challenged the headmaster.

He didn’t even blink. “The contract states she’s under my guardianship until she graduates. I see no need to bother your very busy parents over a situation like this.”

Like this? Saige had been cursed. That was dark magic. Outlawed and very rarely used. Someone was trying to hurt her, possibly kill her. Even if he didn’t know their true relationship, you’d think he would want them to know.

“I’m making the call,” Masie had her phone out and to her ear before he could protest.

He took a step toward her, but Sai and Mrs. Hedgings moved to block him under the guise of talking to each other.

I tried to hear her side of the conversation, but my attention was torn between watching Saige and the headmaster.

“You should be in class.” He sneered at Sai, “I’ll be giving you a week’s detention.”

Sai didn’t react. He didn’t care. None of us would.

Our mate. Our partner. Our girl was lying unconscious, and there was nothing we could do about it. Any punishment the school could give out was nothing in comparison to the anguish we felt.