Page 51 of Seized By Magic

Chapter 12


Saige’s aunt blew into the room like a hurricane.

“Oh, sweetie!” She burst into tears the second her eyes found her niece.

Niall pulled up a chair so she could sit and hold the hand I was forced to give up.

“Masie, we must not lose our heads. We have to remain calm and think things through.” Mrs. Hedgings went to her side and rubbed her back.

“This is my fault.”

My gut clenched.

She did this? How could she?

“I never should have brought her to this school. She was safer at home.” She wiped her cheek, still staring at Saige. “I’m so sorry.”

I took a step back. She wasn’t admitting guilt. She thought none of this would have happened if she hadn’t brought her here in the first place. Maybe, but that also would have meant that none of us would have met her. Well, Kaden would have eventually found a way.

But not me. Not Sai.

Even if it resulted in her being in a coma, I wouldn’t take back meeting her. My mate.

She belonged with us, even if our bond wasn’t off to the best start.

Niall took control of the situation as usual. This time, it didn’t bother me. I needed someone to do the thinking for a while. “We need to make a list. Who from the school knew about the details of the ceremony?”

“Only me and Ms. Chronis,” Mrs. Hedgings supplied.

Niall pulled a notebook from his backpack, flipped it open, then wrote down their names. “My aunt came. I'll have to make sure she didn’t tell my cousins.” He paused. “Brothers.”

Now wasn’t the time to work through the complications of his family. “I’ll call my parents.”

He nodded and wrote down my parents' names.

“Me too,” Sai said before taking out his phone.

“Mine know better than telling anyone, but I’ll double check,” Kaden added. He was right. His parents were well experienced in keeping secrets, but that didn’t make me trust them, or him, anymore. They knew how to lie and how to tell just enough of the truth to keep them safe for nearly two decades.

I waited while the phone rang, willing my dad to answer. I wanted to talk to him first. Mom would get emotional if I told her what was going on, and I needed them both to think clearly.

“Theo?” He finally answered. “Shouldn’t you be in class? Is something wrong?”

I glanced back at my girl. Yeah, something definitely was. I moved to a corner of the room for some semblance of privacy. “It’s Saige. She’s been cursed.”

“What do you mean?”

I told him about the cold, seizure, and coma.

“You think it happened at the ceremony.” It wasn’t a question. He was a smart man who could put the pieces together much quicker than I had.

“Right. We need to know if you or mom told anyone anything about it. Even a tiny detail.”

“Son, we took an oath. None of us who attended could say anything even if we wanted to.”

I knew that, but that wasn’t foolproof. “That wasn’t until after you arrived. What about before?”