Page 44 of Seized By Magic

I giggled. “Thanks.”

“I don’t think it would have helped us in establishing our dynamic if we were on rival teams, either.” He shifted and lifted one leg to sit next to me on the table, facing me. “We have enough to overcome as it is.”

My body was finally warming. By the time he finished speaking, I went from nearly shivering to pulling off my beanie and tugging at my jacket sleeves.

“Too hot?” he asked and helped me sit up so I could take off the top two layers. Once I was in my sweater, I felt better.

When I laid back down, my head started spinning. “I’m getting dizzy.”

“I’d tell you to lie down, but you already are.” He frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt that after taking a healing potion. It might be a side effect.”

I closed my eyes, willing it to stop, but the sensation continued to the point that I felt like I was on a ship rising and falling over waves. “Sai.”

Nausea swept over me, but I hadn’t eaten or even had water today.

“What’s wrong, Saige?”

I was burning up. Too hot. I tugged at my sweater, needing to remove it too.

“What?” His hands covered mine. “You don’t have a shirt on under that.”

I didn’t care. My body was on fire. I wanted everything off. Now!

“Too. Hot,” I mumbled, hoping he’d understand.

A hand pressed to my forehead.

“Shit.” The pressure disappeared, and my hands were free to continue the struggle of removing my top.

“Maria? Someone? Help!”

Sai was shouting, but it sounded too far away.

Darkness washed over me.