Page 41 of Seized By Magic

“Yes, I want to touch you, too, but that’s not new, Saige.”

Okay. We were getting closer. I closed my eyes, trying to come up with a different way of saying this.

“Do you feel that about the guys too?”

“Do I want to touch them?” He sounded so confused.

I finally met his eyes and nodded.

He seemed to consider it. “You mean because of the bond? Am I attracted to them the way I am to you?”

Yes! I nearly jumped out of my chair but nodded instead.

“The bond doesn’t change anyone in that way. It builds on what is already in you. If you weren’t physically or sexually attracted to one of your bond mates before, it can’t magically force that.”

“It can’t?” That was the complete opposite of what I thought.

“No, there are pairs out there who aren’t in physical relationships. Sibling pairs, for example.”

Huh. I didn’t know about that.

“So if you only feel familial love for someone, that will strengthen, but it won’t suddenly switch.”

“Got it.”

He grinned and slipped off the stool moments before Theo walked in. They began discussing dinner options.

My lesson with Niall got delayed to the next day due to the family dinner they demanded we have, so I practiced listing everything around the room to keep my thoughts from spilling out.

It wasn’t until I was lying in bed, trying to sleep, that I realized Sai never answered my question about how he felt toward the guys.

Was that on purpose?