Page 4 of Seized By Magic

“Gold and white,” Kaden replied.

“Charcoal,” Sai added.

“Turquoise and crimson.” Niall’s answer surprised me. Since he was a water witch, I expected it to be blue.

“Red,” Theo finished.

“Shouldn’t you have two?” I asked.

“The fire witches in my line use red and the vampires use crimson, so my parents decided to use red.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “They thought it would help us blend in more.”

Of course, they would do anything they could to diminish what separated Theo from his peers. As the first––known––hybrid student, he already had a target on his back, but he was able to make our classmates mostly forget about that.

“Those are quite a few colors to incorporate, but with it being a private ceremony, we can find a way,” Mrs. Hedgings offered.

“What are the colors used for?” I asked.

“Similar to what bride and grooms use them for in weddings. Like decorations and flowers,” Theo answered.

“What do we wear?”

“Typically, there’s a dress passed down in the family for the women, and men wear formal wear from their culture,” Niall answered.

My mouth nearly watered at the thought of him in a formal wool suit.


I met his eyes and begged to be melted into my seat at the cocky grin on his stupid face. He heard that stupid admission.

Wait, there was a family dress? Would my grandparents let me wear ours? Did they even have it? Did Masie? Did my mom wear it?

Probably not—to all the above.

“But this ceremony can be anything we want it to be. We can be as traditional or different as we want. A bond of five is highly unusual, but not unheard of. It’s been a few decades at least, so we have the freedom to make up our own rules,” Theo added.

I blinked away the tears threatening to pool in my eyes. He was throwing me a lifeline, and I clung to it.

“Let’s start our own traditions.” I glanced around, and they all agreed.

“Why don’t we keep everything simple. White? For new beginnings?” Sai offered.

“We can wear suits if we want, but we don’t even have to do that,” Niall added. “Saige, do you want to wear a dress?”

All eyes turned to me, and I had a faint idea I might regret this later, five or ten years from now, but right now, I wanted to make this as painless as possible. “I don’t want anything big or fancy.”

Theo leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “How about you let us handle the details? We’ll make sure Hannah approves.”

I nodded. They likely cared about this more than I did. Being surprised sounded like the best idea.

“When is this ceremony going to happen?” Kaden asked Mrs. Hedgings.

She looked from me to the others. “Tomorrow.”

I gaped, but none of the guys reacted.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow I will be married? Bonded? Whatever.

Part of me wanted to run, but my slightly more practical side knew I couldn’t avoid this. The longer I pushed it off, the longer I’d dread it.

So, in less than a day, my world was going to flip upside down.
