Page 3 of Seized By Magic

Niall burst out laughing. Sai jerked away and stared at him as if he’d grown another head. Kaden watched us with an amused grin.

“She’s worried about the school finding out about us, and what they’re going to think. Then she was trying to figure out what to call us. Mates. Roommates. Male roommate mates,” Theo explained to Sai and Kaden.

“Don’t do that!” Their listening to my thoughts was bad enough. I didn’t need them spilling my personal feelings to the others.

“Then learn to control your thoughts and build a mental shield,” Niall challenged.

I dropped my head with a sigh before looking at Mrs. Hedgings. “Can you help me with that?”

She nodded, but Sai and Niall cut her off before she could speak.

“We can,” Sai said.

Niall added, “That’s what we’re here for, Saige.”

“That’s a brilliant idea, Sai. The five of you should be looking for ways to work together as much as possible. It will strengthen the bond, and you should all learn to rely on each other. After all, this is your family.” She waved her hand around the circle.


No, my family was Brielle, Aiden, Masie, and my parents. Those were the people who meant more to me than anything else in the world.

They came first.

I refused to replace them.

“We’re not replacing them,” Theo said, scooting to the edge of the couch so he could reach for me. “Your family and circle of people you care about is just growing.”

I didn’t pull away, but I couldn’t meet his gaze. In theory, I knew he was right. I met Hannah, Daniel, and Malik, and they became the closest friends I’ve ever had. That didn’t mean I needed to forget about any members of my family. My heart would grow to include them. I could do that again with these four. Sai and Theo were already mostly there.

It was Niall and Kaden who would take more time.

“Do any of you have anything specific you would like included in the ceremony?” Mrs. Hedgings asked, changing the topic and taking the attention off me.

“I know our families can’t come to the school, but is there any way we can do a video call?” Kaden asked.

“Of course.” Mrs. Hedgings made a notebook appear next to her, and a pen held up by invisible hands quickly wrote down his request.

“Why can’t they come to the school?” My grandparents and Masie dropped me off. It wasn’t a super convenient location, but Niall mentioned his dad used to be able to transport. Maybe they could do that.

“No family visits,” Niall replied. “They can drop us off and pick us up at the end of the term, but nothing in between.”

“Can there be an exception? A bonding ceremony seems like a valid reason.” I wasn’t sure, but if it was really the equivalent of a non-supe’s weddings, then that should be more than enough to let them come.

“Unfortunately, not,” Mrs. Hedgings said without explaining.

I caught Niall’s eyes, and he tilted his head toward the window as if he would tell me outside later.

“I don’t need anything fancy,” Theo said. “It’s too complicated with five of us to incorporate all of our family colors.”

“Family colors?” Was I going to be repeating everything they said in this meeting?

“Yes, every family has colors that represent their species or affinities,” Sai explained.

“Do I?” I asked, mostly looking at Mrs. Hedgings. She knew my parents when they were students here, so she might know.

“Your father’s was silver for the wolf line, and your mother’s was emerald green for the dominance of Earth witches in your line,” she answered.

“And you guys?” I asked the circle.