Page 2 of Seized By Magic

She pursed her lips. “That’s highly unusual. In fact, I don’t think it’s ever been done. I can certainly ask on your behalf, but it might draw in more attention than simply moving to the larger units.”

More attention is exactly what I didn’t want.

“We have three-bedroom apartments available. It would be a tight fit for a group of your size, but it will take time to make arrangements for appropriate accommodations.” She turned to Theo and Sai. “Do you think you boys would be able to share a room?”

She looked at Niall and Kaden, continuing. “And you two in the other so Sage can have her own space while you all adjust?”

“Of course,” Kaden jumped in to agree.

I wasn’t surprised. Out of all of us, he was the most prepared. He had all the puzzle pieces before any of us knew there was anything to be solved.

“That’s fine,” Sai added.

Niall nodded once while Theo sighed, and Mrs. Hedgings took his lack of response as a yes.

“Great, then we will plan for that.”

“What will I tell Natasha?” What about their roommates? What about our friends? Did we have to keep this a secret? I wanted to keep it from the majority of the school for as long as possible.

“I’ll need a few days to make arrangements so you all can decide what you would like to tell others. Given the circumstances outside the school, I will make sure the administration supports your decision,” my mentor promised.

“The more open we are, the less exciting the news will be. If we just say what’s happening, then there’s no drama. No whispers or conspiracies. If we give them the truth from the beginning, then there’s no story.” Niall watched me with raised brows.

“It’s not just up to me. We have to decide this together.” I didn’t want the weight of this choice only on me.

“I don’t care either way,” Sai said. “Whatever you’re comfortable with, Saige.”

I appreciated his support, but what we all needed right now was for each of them to be honest.

“I agree with Niall. The school loves secrets. Being open about the five of us might get them talking for a day or two, but then they’ll be over it. If we try to hide or sneak around, then we’re just begging for attention.” Theo shot me an apologetic look.

The school was about to find out about my four mates.


Four male roommate mates.

Well, shit.

Niall’s lips twitched, and I stared him down. That wasn’t the first time I caught him reacting in perfect time to my thoughts, and I was ready to call him out.

“You can read my mind.”

His eyes shot to mine, and instead of denying, he grinned in a way that lit up his whole face. A smile that held nothing back. A once in a lifetime kind of thing.

“Only when you’re screaming it out at me.”

Theo nodded next to him. “Sometimes people’s thoughts are hard to ignore, and I’ve been learning how to block my entire life.”

I narrowed my eyes. “How much do you hear?”

Niall’s grin dimmed, but the corners of his eyes were still wrinkled. He was enjoying this far too much. “Not as much as you’re probably thinking. There are just times you sound like you’re screaming at us that I can’t ignore.”

Great, not only did I have to worry about Kaden, Theo, and Sai smelling me, but now I had to censor my thoughts around Niall and Theo.

“I like roommate mates,” Theo teased.

“Shut up,” I groaned.