Page 112 of Seized By Magic

Chapter 26

The heart to heart that was supposed to bring us together only ended up creating more space between us.

Following Sai’s confession, he left and didn’t return until the next day. Theo tried to talk to him, but it went nowhere.

Kaden lost himself in reading as many articles and reports about what was going on in Scotland and the movements of the council.

Niall and Theo were at least working together to find any hints about his brothers’ locations.

I gave them two days to obsess and close themselves off before I snapped. I was sick of being alone and feeling like I lived with four ghosts. I stood in the middle of the living room and screamed. “This can’t continue, you guys!”

Theo and Niall emerged from the study loft, Kaden came out of his room, and Sai at least opened his bedroom door.

“We’re not working together. We’re not being open. We’re in the exact same position as we were before Niall was drained. Who’s going to be next?”

“No, we’re now aware of each other’s struggles,” Theo protested. “We’re monitoring the council. I think we can all agree that’s a top priority.”

I glanced at Sai. It wasn’t helping him. None of the guys seemed bothered about his announcement, but he wasn’t talking to anyone either. And what about me? Did I not matter? I slept over at Hannah’s dorm last night, and no one noticed.

“Did anyone realize I’ve been gone since yesterday afternoon?” I stood with my hands on my hips.

The four of them exchanged looks.

“Kaden? Sai? When was the last time you shifted? Theo? When was the last time you fed? Niall? Do you need to?” Unless they were just as good as me at slipping away, I was pretty sure they would all be struggling.

The two vampire hybrids shared a look, and Theo spoke up. “We didn’t know how you felt about seeing the supply, so we’ve been going to the farm.”

“You guys, I don’t care. Don’t make things harder on yourselves. If it’s allowed, store it here.”

Theo nodded. “Okay.”

That felt like progress at least.

“I’d like to shift soon.” Kaden looked across the living to Sai. “Do you want to go out to the field today?”

Sai nodded, not speaking.

“What happened to the movies and sledding?” I asked.

Being in a constant state of waiting for bad news was making me anxious, and there was nothing we could do to prevent bad things from happening. At best, we could react quickly. That didn’t mean we had to stay locked away until something did happen.

“We realized there are more important things to worry about,” Niall answered.

I shook my head. “That’s all you’re doing, worrying about what may or may not happen and when. There’s nothing in our control.” I sucked in a breath to calm down. “Niall, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I would tear the world apart looking for my siblings, but the truth is that you’re here. If they’re not on campus, you’re not going to find them. Let your aunt, the investigator, and the trained officials do their jobs.”

He ran this hand over his face and finally sighed.

“Kaden and Theo, you’re also playing the waiting game. We can’t prevent the council from doing anything, and we will be notified the second an announcement is made. You can’t forget to live in the meantime.”

They agreed, so I turned to face Sai. “I have no idea if your confession was difficult or not because you haven’t said a word since. We all want to be here for you. We love you no matter who you love or are attracted to.”

Sai didn’t reply.

“Sai?” I moved toward him. When he didn’t reciprocate, I stopped. “My feelings toward you haven’t changed. I still like you just as much as I did the day we bonded. I like you. I want you to be happy, no matter what that means. If you need time and space to figure out your feelings, that’s fine. None of us will pressure you, but you can’t stay locked in your room. I miss you. We all do. So if you want us to pretend like you didn’t say anything, that’s fine. If you want us to wait until you know what you want next, we will. We’ll follow your lead.”

The guys all agreed, and a weight seemed to lift from him. “Thank you.”

Good. That was done. We could all move forward with some semblance of normal.