Page 105 of Seized By Magic

“Aren’t you done with midterms?” I asked him while popping open my drink.

He glanced up at me before lifting the book to let me see the cover. It was a novel, a mystery by the looks of it.

“He’s reading for fun,” Theo gagged.

“I used to, too. Back before I had magic and shifting and bonds to worry about.” I sighed dramatically before falling onto the couch next to Kaden since Theo filled up the middle between them.

“You have three whole days off from classes, so you can read if you want.” Kaden stole my can and took a drink before handing it back.

I eyed him, thrown off by how casually he’d done that. Since when were we at the sharing level?

“Or we could actually do something fun,” Sai offered.

“Like what?” Theo asked. “Do you know about something we don’t? A secret you’ve been keeping for over three years?”

Sai shrugged. “I meant we could have a movie marathon, or if there's enough snow, we could go sledding.”

“So the same things we do every winter,” Theo grumbled.

“What did you guys do in Scotland during breaks?” I asked Kaden.

“Watched matches, snuck out to the pub, or lounged about,” he shrugged.

“You could sneak off campus?” Sai leaned forward to look at him.

“There was one that was in the next town over owned by a vampire who helped us bend the rules. He created a portal on the other side of the fence that went straight to the back of his pub. All we had to do was climb the gate and jump through. Since we never technically landed outside the boundaries, it didn’t alert the school’s administration.”

“That’s brilliant,” Theo laughed. “Why haven’t we done that?”

“One, the drinking age is lower. Two, their school isn’t hundreds of miles from the next town. And three, there are more supernaturals in that area, so it’s safer for them. If they got caught behind the pub just appearing, it would most likely be by another supe. That’s not the case for us,” Niall answered without looking up from his book.

Good to know he was listening.

“You have to ruin everything.” Theo frowned.

“He didn’t ruin it. He simply pointed out the facts.” Kaden surprised me by defending his roommate.

“Whatever. He ruined the fun.” Theo crossed his arms.

A thud sounded behind us, and I glanced over my shoulder to find Niall on the ground.

“Well, now he’s just being dramatic,” Theo said, but I was on my feet with Kaden and Sai at my side.

Niall wasn’t moving.

“Is he breathing?” I screamed when I fell to my knees next to him.

“He’s got a pulse.” Sai had his head next to Niall’s chest. “He’s breathing too.”

Kaden looked him over. “What the hell? What caused this?”

Theo appeared next to Niall’s head and bent down, biting his neck.

“Theo!” I screamed, but he was already sitting up.

“No poisons.” He narrowed his eyes. “I can’t taste anything wrong with his blood.”

“Can you heal him?” Kaden asked him.