Page 60 of Summoned By Magic

Hannah stood with her hands on her hips. “We’re here to help.”

The guys nodded behind her, and I couldn’t help but smile at them. My new friends showed up for me.

Theo waved his phone in the air, “I called in backup before we even left the barn.”

I smiled at him, grateful he had the foresight to let Hannah know. I wasn’t sure how much we could get through with Niall glaring at me.

“Yeah, we’re not letting Saige drop down to year one,” Daniel said.

Niall sat with his eyes closed and rested his elbows on the desk while rubbing his temples. “I don’t need your help.”

“We’ll take all the help we can get,” Theo said at the same time, and everyone chose to ignore Niall even as he lifted his head and glared at each of them like he was casting spells in his head to torture them.

“Good.” Hannah sat across from me, next to Niall, as if she was immune to his threatening gaze. “I stopped and spoke with Mrs. Sheridan. I had a feeling she was going to be the toughest to convince.”

All the guys flinched at the same time.

“Is she really that bad?” I hadn’t exactly gotten the best vibes from her, and Mrs. Hedgings did say my science teacher didn’t think I’d cut it. Still why did everyone else dislike her?

“She can be really, really . . .” Malik trailed off like he couldn’t come up with an appropriate word.

“Tough?” Hannah offered.

“Insane?” Daniel suggested.

“Sadistic,” Carter shivered.

Yikes. None of those were qualities I wanted in someone who held my future in their hands.

“All of the above,” Malik said. “She gives out punishments using her set of tarot cards.”

“What? How?” That didn’t make any sense.

“You don’t want to know,” Theo mumbled next to me.

“She gave detention to Will Sharpe last year, and he got the moon card. She cast an illusion that made him live his deepest fears for two straight hours. When it was over, he couldn’t move or speak for three days.” Daniel shook his head as if he was still trying to comprehend what happened.

“During our second year, Sara Bowls got the empress card, and Ms. Sheridan locked her in a coffin until she passed out from screaming.” Carter stared down at the table.

“How is that allowed? Why doesn’t anyone stop her? Does the headmaster know?” I couldn’t believe the administration would tolerate this.

“He believes each teacher has the right to run their class as they see fit. That includes grading, discipline, and teaching methods. As long as no student is seriously injured, he doesn't intervene.”

Holy shit. This place was deranged.

“Will you all shut up so we can focus?” Niall snapped, and everyone fell silent. “Hannah, what did you find out?”

Hannah swallowed, shrinking in on herself a bit. “She said the test will be a general overview. Nothing too specific, rather a tool to gauge Saige’s knowledge.”

“How do you know she’s telling the truth? She could be lying to trick Saige into failing.” Malik leaned back in his chair.

“Because I’m one of the few that she doesn’t despise. I’m a good student and haven’t ever caused trouble,” Hannah countered.

“Fine, if that’s all we have to go on, then let’s make a list of the key points Saige needs to know and work through them,” Niall muttered under his breath, and a stack of books and a black notebook and pen appeared before him.

“What the hell! How did you do that?” Malik was on the edge of his seat, leaning toward the new arrivals.

Niall rolled his eyes, and Hannah replied. “It’s a pocket spell. It’s like carrying around a huge backpack only it’s invisible.”