Page 29 of Summoned By Magic

Hannah rolled her eyes. “I'll explain more later.”

Her revelation overwhelmed me, so I was fine with silence. Headmaster Goldstein dragged on about other reminders, but I ignored him. My brain was too full of information I didn’t understand, so I let my eyes roam over the students. I glanced over my shoulder and froze.

The guy, Niall, was staring at me so intensely I couldn’t help but shrink in on myself.

I faced forward, but the back of my neck burned with the persistent feeling of being watched. What was his problem?

Chapter 11

The headmaster instructed us to head to our fourth-period classes, then dismissed us. Hannah stuck with me as we merged into the crowd leaving and headed down the path toward the literature and language building. Students spread out, walking on the grass and crossing to the other paths, but we stayed right in the center of the bricks.

“Today is basically just information about the class and what we’ll be doing this term. After we’re done, I’ll take you over to the library so you can get all the textbooks you’ll need. Tomorrow, bring a backpack or bag and notebooks.”

“Thanks.” I moved out of someone’s way as Hannah waved to someone else. She said I was going to be claimed by the popular kids, but it seemed like she was one of them. We didn’t make it three steps before someone called her name or waved.

Someone bumped into me as they hurried past, and she called out to them. “Watch it, Theo!”

The guy stopped mid-step and spun around. He grinned back at us, revealing two perfect dimples on his smooth, tan skin. He looked to be of Asian descent, with shiny black hair in a tousled style achieved by either running his hands through it to keep it out of his face or by using a ton of product and a blow dryer. There was no way of knowing without asking, but he was beautiful. Handsome. Stunning. “Oh, hi there, Hannah.”

She stood her ground with her hands on her hips. “You need to apologize to my friend. You can’t just bulldoze into everyone smaller than you.”

That would include pretty much everyone. He was at least six-four with wide, muscular shoulders and biceps that strained the confines of his white T-shirt.

His attention turned to me, and his grin widened. I swear my knees shook as he stepped closer. I fought to keep my eyes on his and sweep them down to admire his bulky form. I was a sucker for athletes, and he was clearly built like one.

“Sorry, gorgeous. I should have been paying more attention. I have no idea how I could have missed you.” His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. I was melting. And there were witnesses.

“Oh, stop flirting. She’s my friend, so she’s off-limits to you.”

He turned to glare at Hannah at the same moment I did.Off-limits? No thank you!

She returned his look with a scathing one of her own, and he finally sighed and stepped back. “Fine, but can I at least get your name?”

“I’m Saige.” I high-fived myself mentally for keeping my voice steady.

He took my hand and placed a quick kiss on my knuckles. I swear I felt a zap of electricity and snapped my hand back.

His eyes flashed. “Sorry, did I offend you?”

I shook my head, not sure what just happened. Had he not felt that?

“Just go. You’re being weird.” Hannah waved him off, and he shot us both a wide smile, making those damn dimples appear again before turning around and jogging off.

“Sorry, Theo’s nice and all, but he’s also a player. I don’t want him thinking he can use his tricks on you.”

“Tricks?” I watched him disappear into the crowd, already missing the sight of him.

“He’s fully aware of how good looking he is and uses that to his advantage. Plus, his other abilities.”

“Like what?”

She pursed her lips. “I’ll tell you later.”

Her eyes drifted around the crowed path. She didn’t want to tell me out in the open?

“Okay. Thanks for watching out for me.”

We got to the Lit building without running into anyone else she knew or getting tripped by racing shifters which was a relief. She led us up the main staircase to the second level and down the hall to our classroom. It was nice having someone with a clue of where we were going to lead me along. Most of the desks were open, and she headed down the center aisle toward the back but stopped a few rows from the end and sat before patting the one next to her.