Page 27 of Summoned By Magic

There were more people outside now, and all headed in the same direction.

“Did Hannah give you a tour yesterday?” he asked as we walked side by side.

“She pointed out the buildings we passed on the way to the dorm, but I didn’t see this side of campus.” We were walking in the opposite direction from where I’d gone the day before.

He pointed to a large, flat-roofed building on the other side of the path. “That’s the athletic center. There is a pool, indoor track, cycling studio, classrooms for various training, and an exercise room with all forms of workout equipment. You are free to use it in the mornings, evenings, and weekends.”

I stored away that information. I wasn’t a huge fan of working out, but things could change.

“Beyond that are the sports fields, and just past those is an area specifically for shifters. It’s where they are free to train and practice shifting without onlookers.”

“Got it.” I read between his words. Witches were not welcome.

We followed the gentle curve of the path, and I saw another building. “What’s that one?”

“That is where your literature class will be.”

I nodded before recognizing what I was pretty sure was the lab building. I asked if I was correct, and he confirmed.

“So, this path is a big circle?”

“Yes, if you continued, you would eventually pass the history building, tower, dorms, health center, and end back up at the administration building. There are paths that cross through and connect for shortcuts.” He pointed to the one in front of the lab that I’d already used.

The map I’d reviewed now made more sense, and I felt better about finding my way around.

We reached the entrance to the auditorium, and Mr. Haddon straightened and began looking around. I didn’t recognize anyone, not surprising since I knew five people at this school.

“Mr. Kelly.” His voice rose over the chatter.

A guy my age with dark, nearly black hair falling across his forehead and the brightest blue eyes broke away from the group of students and strode toward us. He was tall and lean, wearing black jeans, a black T-shirt, and combat boots. If the frown he sported was any indication, he didn’t seem like the kind of student teachers would look to for assistance.

“Yes, Dallon?” His hint of an accent made me wish he’d keep talking so I could identify it.

Mr. Haddon gestured to me. “Niall, this is Saige. She’s a new student. Would you mind showing her where she should sit for the assembly?”

I silently groaned. I didn’t need this random guy showing me to a seat like an unwilling usher. Why couldn't he just point me in the right direction?

“Sure.” Niall turned and walked down the stairs toward the stage.

I tossed a glance at Mr. Haddon before hurrying down after him. He stopped only a quarter of the way down and pointed to the mostly empty row. “Fourth years sit here.”

Was it an English accent? Irish, maybe?

He arched a dark brow, and I realized I’d been staring at him. “Thanks.” I smiled and walked along the folded chairs. I stopped a few spots away from the next student, a lanky boy with blond hair that stuck up in every direction and sat.

When I glanced back, Niall was gone. It stung that he didn’t bother saying bye, but I guess that wasn’t his responsibility. He fulfilled his duty and took off.

The room filled up, once again reminding me of my new girl status. I hated sitting here alone in a room full of people with no one to talk to. My fingers drifted to my hair, separating three sections and braiding while I looked around. Students claimed the seats around me one by one, but left either side of me empty as if they didn’t want to get too close.

I guess it didn’t matter if the students here were supernaturals or not. High school rules were universal. Avoid the unknown. Stick to your friends.

“Saige!” I turned at the sound of my voice and saw Hannah waving from the end of the row. “Is there room for me?”

The others around us watched me, and I took the opportunity to pretend like this was planned. “Yeah, I saved you a seat.”

She beamed and shuffled along toward me until she dropped next to me. “I didn’t see you this morning. Or last night. Things okay?”

“Yeah, sorry. I crashed early and didn’t wake up until it was time for me to take my assessment.”