“I want Justin forThe Missing Will,and if it means giving his daughter a job, so be it, though I’d like to know why you don’t think she’s a fit?”

“I don’t see her as a team player, but I’m happy to talk to her, though she’s probably better suited to Kurt. His team is younger than mine. If she worked for me and she wasn’t happy, that wouldn’t be good for anybody.”

“Point taken. Unfortunately, she told her father it was you she wants to work with. I’ll set up a time with Martha for Emma to stop in, then you can shuttle her off to Kurt. About Anna Lee—tell her she needs to start behaving like a professional. Use that word. It’s worked for me in the past.”

“It’s too bad we can’t say the same thing to Jackson Wardlow.”

“No shit,” Jerry said grimly. “I wonder what his adoring public would say if they knew what an asshole he is.”

“They’d probably love him even more,” Zach remarked, climbing into his Bentley. “You know how people love a man who’s irascible. Women want to save him, and men wish they had the courage to be like him.”

“There’s a movie in there somewhere,” Jerry said with a rare grin. “I’ll catch you later.”

As he marched away, Zach started up the powerful car and headed out of the garage, his tires squealing on the highly polished concrete.


THOUGH THE DRIVE FROMSanta Monica into Malibu was no fun during rush hour, during the middle of the afternoon Zach could cruise along Pacific Coast Highway and enjoy the sight of the sparkling ocean.

But he wasn’t happy at the prospect of seeing Emma Hartman walk into his office for an interview.

Managing to put her to the back of his mind, his thoughts turned to Anna Lee. She’d be sitting on the couch waiting for him dressed in a skirt with no underwear. Her hair would be pulled back in a ponytail, and on the coffee table in front of her would be a hairbrush, a wooden spoon, and the short, black leather strap he’d bought just for her. He’d settle on the sofa, they’d talk about why he was there, she’d crawl over his lap, and he’d decide which implement, if any, he would use.

He had kept romance out of their relationship, but their unique friendship had helped fill a void. Finding a bright, talented woman who was also a submissive wasn’t easy, especially in the City of Angels. Being with Anna helped to scratch his itch.

She lived on the beach side of a narrow stretch of the highway. Parking was always a nightmare. There was no shoulder along the cliffside, and he had to swing into an illegal u-turn, then maneuver his car onto a narrow strip of concrete behind her garage.

“Why are houses built in places like this?” he muttered, slowing down and pulling into the center lane ready to make the scary turn.

Finally seeing a break in the stream of cars flowing towards him, he turned his Bentley around and drove carefully into the empty area behind her home. As always, he climbed out praying a motorist wouldn’t inadvertently swerve and turn his car into heap of twisted metal. Walking down the side steps to her door, he pushed it open and walked inside.

That was one of his rules.

It had to be unlocked.

And she had to wait patiently on the couch.