Page 8 of A Very Bad Girl

A cautious man, Marco had her shadowed wherever she went, and learned a great deal of her time was spent following him. On the night he’d been alerted that she was lurking in the alley behind his BDSM club, he’d been enjoying himself in his private dungeon. Leaving his date tied to the bondage wheel, he’d hurried to his office and turned on the security cameras. Watching her slip through the back door and manage to find her way through the dimly lit hallways to the playroom, he’d smiled broadly. But she’d dared to reach into her pocket and pull out a tiny camera.

That had crossed a line.

Anger pulsing through his veins, he’d been ready to confront her, but the expression on her face caught his attention. She’d been fixated on a young woman in the stocks wearing nothing but a pair of thigh-high black boots. Her naked backside was being flogged by a leather-clad man wearing a mask. Was it possible the nosy young woman wanted to be the submissive getting her ass whipped?

Marco’s cock had stiffened.

A short time later, watching a girl dressed in a corset and collar being led by her master, he’d seen Steph’s eyes carrying the same hypnotic look. By the time she left the club, Marco wanted to make her his pet.

His plaything.

His sex doll.

He wanted to possess her.

As the days passed and she continued to tail him, sometimes on the motorbike and sometimes in a classic Porsche convertible, he’d concocted a plan to catch her. But not just because he longed to devour her inch by every enticing inch. He was involved in an important and dangerous deal. He couldn’t have her snooping around.

Luring her to his hunting lodge in the middle of nowhere had been easy.

Unable to risk driving up the narrow dirt road to reach it, she’d have to hike.

And she did.

Now she was trapped.

* * *

Sipping his cognac and watching her curled up on the couch, he relished the thought of baring her backside the next time he spanked her. Though he’d longed to yank her pants down when she was over his knee, delivering the threat had been immensely satisfying.

He grinned.

The image would be in her head every minute until it happened.

She’d imagine it.

Dread it.

Ache for it.

“How long will it take you to do something stupid so you can feel the sting of my belt?” he murmured, leaning closer to the monitor. “I think I’ll take you down to the basement and tie you over the spanking bench. You’ll be open and exposed. But I suppose I need to take care of this Max person before he starts to worry.”

Reaching into his pocket and retrieving her phone, he was about to send her friend a text when there was a knock on the door.

“It’s Benny,” a voice called.


A broad-shouldered, stocky man stepped in. He and his brother Joe were Marco’s right-hand men. Utterly devoted, they lived with him. Joe did the cooking and ran errands, while Benny was head of security and an IT specialist.

“Sorry to bother you, boss, but Joe just called. He’s reached the girl’s car and he’s not sure if he should drive it up here. Those big potholes still haven’t been filled in, and the car is low to the ground.”

“Can it be seen from the road?”

“Not at all. She actually found a pretty good spot, though it will probably be covered with bird shit and leaves pretty quick.”

“Tell him to come back and get one of those black tarps to cover it, and make sure he ties it down well. We get those freak storms up here. While he’s doing that, search it from top to bottom.”

“Sure thing.”