"That was easy. Thanks, Kate. I owe you one."
Duncan's head was spinning. Brittany wanted men to fawn over her and make her feel better, but he couldn't understand why she felt the need to wear such outlandish clothes to get their attention. Taking a quick shower, he hurried out the door and down the hall, bypassing the elevator and running up the stairs two at a time, but as he reached the deck and moved towards the bar, he checked himself. Bursting in and making a scene wasn't his style. He managed to compose himself, but the thought of Brittany having a drunken roll between the sheets with a slobbering stranger made him shudder. Moving purposefully forward to the door and opening it just a hair, he spied her perched on a bar stool, her skirt so far up her thighs she could have been wearing shorts.
"What the blazes are you playing at," he muttered under his breath. "I know you're hurt, but why are you behaving so outrageously."
I was watching through a crack in my door, I guess you could say I was staking you out.
Her comment flashed through his head.
She'd done it again!
Wanting him to see her in the scandalous outfit she'd been waiting, peeking down the hall, then purposely stepped from her cabin when he'd returned. Turning away, he walked to the side of the deck and stared out at the infinite blackness. She'd manipulated him a second time, but the modern day Scarlet O'Hara was under his skin. He didn't want her to be, but she was, and he was worried about her. Leaning his elbows on the railing he pondered his choices.
* * * * * * * * * *
Brittany was becoming increasingly agitated. She'd been sure her Knight In Shining Armor would appear shortly after she took her seat at the bar. He'd scold her for wearing such dreadful clothes, then whisk her back to his cabin for a sound spanking, but long minutes had passed and there'd been no sign of him.
"Hi, I'm Simon," a young man said, perching on the stool next to her. "Can I buy you a drink?"
"I'm waiting for someone, and when he shows up you don't want to be there. He can be very jealous."
"Okay, but if he doesn't arrive you're welcome to join me. I'm not so bad once you get to know me."
"I doubt that."
He sighed, then leaning closer, he fixed her with a steady gaze.
"You may be gorgeous, and you may be out of my league, but you don't have to be rude. Someone should spank some manners into you."
So shocked she couldn't find her tongue, she watched him slide off his barstool and start to walk away, but he paused, and turning back, he added,
"Whoever that someone is, he should also tell you not to dress like a tramp. You're beautiful, you don't need to do that."
"How dare you."
"He's right!"
Duncan's voice growled over her shoulder, and spinning around she stared into his puzzled eyes.
"I know I am," the young man declared, happy to have backup from such a debonaire stranger, "but thanks for saying so. Hi, I'm Simon, and I guess you're her date. I'll leave you two alone."
"Duncan Rhys-Davies," Duncan said quickly, "and no, I'm not her date, but I would like a private word with her."
"No problem I'll just...uh...go away."
"Duncan," Brittany said breathlessly as Simon amble away. "Why are you so upset?"
"As I just told him, I'm not your date, I'm just someone you like to play games with."
"That's not true!"
"I wasn't sure what to do about your little act, Brittany, but I—"
"I have to admit," he continued, ignoring her interruption, "you have made me realize two very important things. If you want to hear about them you can come to my cabin."