“Hemming and Lansky arrived yesterday morning. I have to tell you our warriors are not inclined to give up the girls taken in tribute. Lansky and Hemming must have been persuasive. Hemming’s mate is quite enamored of him and the other females seem to think being here might not be such a bad thing.”
“If only they could convince my Bailey of that. There are times I think she’s about ready to give over, but then something riles her. If she wasn’t so close to transition, I’d knot and tie her to me. As I recall, it worked wonders with your Dani.”
“It did, which brings me to a sticking point. I believe Dani and Bailey may have known each other in the Conquered Realm. Dani has talked about the one friend she had and when Hemming mentioned Bailey’s name, it was all I could do to keep her from charging up here to defend her friend. I told her if she made good on her threat, I’d make good on mine.”
Talon laughed. Blitz was madly in love with Dani and she with him, but she had a tendency to act out, which Blitz had yet to curb completely.
“If it will help, tell Dani she can help me tend to Bailey. If the Council is here, I’m going to need more than just Melea to help.”
“I told her I would ask. For what it’s worth, I do believe Dani may be of help with her. Dani adores you and she is very happy with her life here.”
“Maybe having her friend in the same village and happy will help Bailey find her way.”
Bailey began to stir. Talon Turned back to Blitz. “Let me know when they arrive.”
“As you wish Alpha. If Bailey is headed into transition, let her know the pack wishes her to have an easy peaceful one.”
“I will.”
“What is that marvelous smell?” Bailey asked, sitting up and stretching. She seemed to wobble.
Talon balanced the tray on one hand and quickly steadied her with the other. “It’s starting, isn’t it?” she asked, fearfully.
“Most likely. But you are not to fret. We have not lost anyone to the transition in more than two centuries. Melea has threatened to starve me if I don’t call her immediately.”
Bailey smiled. She was always at her least guarded when she first woke. “She likes me better than you, you know.”
He laughed. “I had noticed that, as has most every other warrior in the village. Here,” he said offering her a scramble of eggs, potatoes, and sausage.
“Ooh, that’s good, but that’s not what I’m smelling.”
“No, those would be Melea’s wild blueberry muffins.”
“Can I have one?”
“Yes, but I will…”
“I know, break it off and feed it to me. This is getting rather tiresome, don’t you think? You sitting next to me or across from me and not allowing me to feed myself.”
“You are quite right, my mate,” he said scooping her up with one hand, while carrying the tray and setting it down on the table by the big chair by the fire. He settled her in his lap and offered her a bite of the muffin. “This is much better,”
Bailey laughed. It was the first time he had heard her do so. “You’re quite impossible.”
“I am your fated mate.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t start with that first thing in the morning. I might barf all over you and Melea would worry it was something I ate.”
“We can’t have that,” he laughed, and then quieted as the light left her eyes. He was certain she was going into the transition, but he had also come to accept that when she first woke, she was still in the thrall of their lovemaking. As she spent more time awake, she remembered her circumstances and that she was resentful of them. “You should know Blitz and I believe someone you knew in the Conquered Realm may well be with us.”
“Who? Ferals don’t make friendships. It’s too hard when we lose one of us to your warriors.”
“A she-wolf from around your area. Dani…”
“Dani?” she said perking up. “Dani’s here? Can I see her, Talon? Please? Is she all right? Does she hate all of you as much as I do?”
“If you were to tell Melea you hate her, it might break her heart. Yes, you may see her. I’ve asked her mate if she might help Melea and I care for you while you transition, as the Council has shown up and I will need to deal with them. As to health, she is fine. Hale and hearty and carries her and Blitz’s first child. And no, she doesn’t hate any of us. In fact, she is as devoted to Blitz as he is to her.”
That seemed to shock her. “Really? She hated all of you. Hated what you did to our reality and what it did to us. She had a sister, a blood relative…”