Page 23 of Shifted Existence

Bailey growled, sending the most delicious reverberations all along his length—a faint memory of the way her pussy had felt when it clamped down on him in surrendered climax. Steadying her head with both hands, he began to use her mouth with more force and determination. She didn’t give over, but she didn’t fight him. When he came, sending his cum down her gullet into her belly, she sucked hard, ensuring she took every single drop.

He withdrew, caressing her face. “Your belly and your pussy are now filled with my seed. There is no one, including you, who will doubt you are mine.”

“If you’re expecting me to thank you, don’t hold your breath,” she said defiantly.

Talon leaned down to kiss her and she turned her face away. While he might have allowed another she-wolf that small act of resistance, he knew it would be a mistake to do so with Bailey. Grasping her chin, he guided her face back up to his and kissed her hungrily. Even full of his cum with an aching backside and no doubt sore pussy from their rough coupling at the river, she chose to defy him.

“Eat, Bailey. If you don’t trust me, I will taste each item before you do. You must be hungry.” He could see the hunger in her eyes and her belly growled again. He picked up a delicious morsel of meat and held it front of her mouth, waving the tantalizing aroma under her nose. “Pick your battles, Bailey. This one serves neither of us, so take the meat.”

“I will serve myself.”

“No, you will take it from my hand.”

He watched her stubbornness wage war against her hunger and finally she leaned forward to take the meat; hunger had won. Talon reminded himself that she was a long way from home and would be transitioning from a human of the Conquered Realm to a she-wolf of the Storm Rift Pack. Even though he knew she would be the better for it, it had to be difficult for her to accept. She closed her eyes, savoring the exotic and yet familiar taste of the meat. It had been expertly prepared and was moist and flavorful.

“That was wonderful. May I have more?”

“You can eat and drink to your heart’s content. Here, try this one. Melea brought a variety and wants to know which ones you like best.”

“Is she your servant?” she asked, taking the offered piece of fish and finding it even better than the meat.

“No. She runs our kitchen and supervises a large staff that farms our vegetables, hunts our meat and fish, and sees that everyone gets more than they need. She is especially good at desserts and spoils all of us. More than one wolf pack has tried to woo her away.”

“But you won’t let her go,” stated Bailey with irritation.

“If Melea thought she could be happier with others, I wouldn’t stand in her way if I believed she would be cared for. She wasn’t born in this village but found her mate among our warriors and produced four strong sons. She is widowed now, and even though all four would welcome her into their homes, she prefers to be self-supporting. Besides, I think if she left the kitchens there might be an uprising. Her food, as you can see, is sublime. Here, try this.”

Bailey took the yellow vegetable from his fingers and moaned as it all but melted in her mouth. “Oh, my god, that’s good.”

Talon moved to sit closer to her and began to share the meal, offering her some of his honeyed beer they brewed in the village. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. He wanted to ease her fears so that her transition would be easier, and she wouldn’t fight him about his caring for her.

“Why does Melea get to make a choice?” asked Bailey. “Did she produce enough warriors that she gets a pass?”

He shook his head at her blatant sarcasm and snark. “No. Because her mate was one of our greatest warriors, she retains his rank within the pack. But I will admit when he died in the war, Melea was long past child-bearing age.”

“So, you only keep the breeders.”

“Bailey, do not try to provoke me. Just enjoy your meal.”

* * *

Bailey was in no mood to be conciliatory. It wasn’t so much what Talon had done to her as it was the feelings it evoked. As snarky as she’d been, she had to admit the bath had been a luxury and the food was beyond compare. Even before the war, both of those had been in short supply. She had to admit she hadn’t eaten this well or been this clean in far longer than she could remember.

She decided to give up arguing with him and just enjoy the food and drink. When she’d eaten her fill, she pushed away from the tray. “Truly, I could not eat another bite. Tell Melea that there wasn’t anything that I wouldn’t love to have again.”

“You can tell her yourself the next time she brings us food.”

“I thought she wasn’t your servant.”

“She isn’t but Melea wasn’t always a she-wolf. Her mate turned her. Her transition was difficult, and so even before she took over supervising the kitchens, she ensured that any human female who was turned would be coddled and spoiled before, during, and after her transition.”

“What’s it like?” Bailey asked with curiosity.

“I don’t know from personal experience as I was born wolf. Some have an easy time of it, and some do not. I do know that it seems that those who fight it have the most difficult time, but in the end, wolf DNA always prevails.”

“Other than being able to bear your mutant spawn, what else is going to happen to me?”

Talon shook his head. “The first time you hold our child and coo at him or her, I am going to remind you of that nasty remark. But other than that, you will live a longer, healthier life. You will be far more resistant to disease, and injuries will heal faster. You’ll be stronger and best of all, you can shift into a wolf.”