“No. You have caused an inordinate amount of trouble for me, the pack, and the Eclipse Province. I have tried repeatedly to allow you to back down and accept that you are my fated mate and at each turn you have fought me. You have been bested. I am your lord and master, and you will obey.”
“At least let me get my things… cover myself.”
“I offered you that chance. You threw it in my face, literally. So now our people will know that regardless of my devotion to you and your unruly behavior, you will be made to obey. It will be a good thing if people can attest to that when we face the Council. Between now and then you will have gone through the transition and will have been knotted and tied enough times to crave my possession. No longer will you plot and plan whatever it is you are plotting and planning.”
“I am not some prize that has been captured by the great alpha of the Storm Rift Pack.”
“No, you are his very naughty fated mate whom he had to run to ground and finally claimed on the hard earth by the river. I figure while you are transitioning, I will have time to come up with a strategy to excise us from the chaos you have caused.”
Bailey was glad that she was folded over his shoulder, her hair hanging down to cover her face. She would never be able to face these people… never. She vowed she would find a way to free herself, and would never capitulate to his will. He would not find a willing and loving mate in her. She would never forgive him for what he had done.
They entered through an enormous gate into a walled village. The walls were not of stone or metal or any of the normal materials she might have expected on the Conquered Realm. Instead, they were enormous tree trunks standing so close together so as to not be able to slip a finger between them. And what little space existed had been filled with some kind of calking or chinking so that it was a solid barrier. Each of the enormous pillars had a sharpened point, the valley between them making a natural rest for a weapon to be brought to bear on invaders and giving those invaders cause to think about trying to come over the top. A wide rampart was built all along the inside of the wall with reinforced towers spaced evenly around.
His guards murmured greetings and Bailey did her best to pretend she wasn’t there. She continued to observe what she could from beneath the curtain of her hair. There were several large communal buildings in the center of the village and then sturdy tents that most closely resembled those of Mongolian warlords that were disbursed throughout the village.
“Alpha!” called a friendly voice she recognized as belonging to the one called Blitz. “I see you have returned with your fated mate.”
Talon’s hand came up and patted her sore backside affectionately. “I have indeed. I have marked and claimed her. Send a messenger to the Ruling Council and tell them I will be unable to attend them until my mate has fully transitioned and is well enough to travel.”
“Bardulf isn’t going to like that.”
“When have I ever cared what that conniving bastard likes? Did Hemming and Lasky make it back with Hemming’s mate and the tribute?”
“They made it through the portal and are in the capital. The Council is inclined to keep them until the matter is resolved.”
“Or somehow they find themselves with different packs.” Talon sighed. “I marked her by the river. There is no way to know how long it will take her to begin her transition or get through it.”
“Perhaps you could stay with her until she succumbs to the transition and then deal with the Council…”
“And what would I do if something should happen to her in transition? No. I will not leave her, and I will not risk taking her to the capital. Send word to the Council demanding our people and our tribute be freed and inviting the Council members to parlay with me here at Storm Rift.”
“Is that wise?”
“I don’t think a show of strength would be out of order. If they come, none of them are to be left to roam freely. They will stay within the main village in the communal house. I will not have Bardulf making plans. In fact, each Council member will be allowed to enter the village with one attendant. They can bring as many as they like, but all but one will remain outside our walls.”
“Shall I double the perimeter guard?” asked Blitz.
“Make no changes to the ones they can see patrolling the ramparts, but double those who patrol our borders. But make sure that a dormitory is set up and see that those females we brought back are installed there.”
“I’ll see that it’s done.”
“Good. I will take Bailey into seclusion until she begins to transition and will send word when I will be available. Ask Melea to see that we are supplied with food and have the soaking tub brought up and filled.”
“Yes, Alpha, and may I be the first to wish you a happy pairing and your mate an easy transition.”
Talon turned and walked toward the largest of what she assumed were the private dwellings. She was able to see a great deal of the layout of the village as he strode up the hill. She knew she would need that information if she was ever to escape. Escape might be a long way off, but it remained her primary objective.
Talon pushed aside a heavy skin flap in the side of the yurt and ducked inside. He entered and tossed her onto what had to be the softest mattress she’d ever felt. She still winced when her backside connected with it. Removing his knife from his scabbard, he cut through the belt that had bound her arms and hands together. There was a soft silken sheet and Bailey snatched it up to try and cover herself, making him chuckle.
“You may well hide yourself from others, but I will not have you conceal your beauty from me,” he said grabbing the sheet away.
“What have you done to me?” Bailey asked, touching the fresh bite mark.
“Leave that be. I will get what I need to clean and dress it properly. As for what I have done, you know well enough. I have marked and claimed you as mine and made you one with me. You will transition and will become a she-wolf.”
“Bastard,” she hissed.