Page 36 of Shifted Existence

“I’m thinking the alpha called us to his yurt for something other than the three of you to have fun at Talon’s and my expense.”

“I did. The first order of business. I, Talon of the Storm Rift Pack, take you Bailey of the Conquered Realm to be my fated mate, now and forever.”

He didn’t ask, but the way he looked told her everything. “I, Bailey of the Conquered Realm, take you Talon of the Storm Rift Pack to be my fated mate, now and forever.”

“Fated mate and alpha,” he corrected gently.

“I, Bailey of the Conquered Realm, take you Talon of the Storm Rift Pack to be my fated mate and alpha, now and forever. I embrace you and our pack with my whole heart and free will.”

Talon kissed her gently, rubbing his thumb along her jawline. “I like that last part very much. You humble me, my mate.”

“Now can I get knotted and tied?”

Their three witnesses all burst out laughing as Talon shook his head. “We really are going to have to work on your sass.”

“I think my sass is working just fine, don’t you, Dani?”

“Never finer,” replied Dani, ignoring her mate’s growl.

“I’m telling you, these two are going to cause all kinds of trouble,” said Artemis.

“Agreed, but I need both of you to behave. I need riders to go to all our allies. Tell them I believe the time has come…” He glanced at Bailey, “… and the messenger has arrived. We will meet in five days. I need the mages to open the alternate portal and make sure it is safe.”

“We have a spare portal?” Dani asked incredulously as she shot daggers from her eyes at her mate, Blitz, who merely shrugged.

Talon nodded. “From the very beginning. Only the mage, Blitz, Artemis, and I knew. I mean to take Bailey into seclusion until they arrive. Have our meals brought up here. We will rejoin the pack the night before their arrival and repeat our vows.”

“Your will be done, Alpha,” intoned Artemis and Blitz, before withdrawing with Dani.

“That sounded pretty ominous,” said Bailey.

“Not ominous, beloved, serious and formal. Now, let’s see what I can do to keep you sated until you are ready to be knotted and tied.”

For the next four and a half days, Talon drove her to new heights of ecstasy, pounding into her as she locked her legs around his back, getting as close to him as she possibly could as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm, teaching her just how much he had mastered her body. Each time they made love she cried out as she climaxed repeatedly, her pussy clamping down on his cock rhythmically as he pumped his seed into her.

In between bouts of lovemaking, Talon began to teach her to shift, laughing at her first clumsy attempts, but never once making her feel inept. As he pointed out, the born wolf-shifters learned as small children. Learning as an adult was far more difficult, but eventually she got the hang of it.

All too soon the morning they were to rejoin the pack arrived. Talon leaned over her as he sat on the edge of the bed and whispered kisses all over her face and neck while he played idly with her pussy. His touch denoted not just lust, but the burgeoning depth of feeling they each had for the other.

“I love you,” he said quietly and held his breath while he waited for her reaction.

“As much as I’d like to be snarky, I’m too sated and happy to be so. I love you, too.”

“I will not risk you. I will find another way.”

“No, Talon. It has to be me. We both know that, but I need you to understand to the depths of your soul that I will come back to you. If I have to blast my way through the Void, I will. I will find a way.”

“Then no matter what happens, know that if you do not return, I will come for you.”

“But you would risk…”

“I would risk everything to have you at my side.”

Suddenly humbled by the love she could feel emanating from him, she wrapped her arms around him. “If I can save them…”

“I know, beloved. I know.”

And she knew he did.