Talon nodded. “See that guest quarters are set ready for our visitors. Make sure we have someone sitting on their outer camp and boost the internal patrols. She-wolves are to be kept clear from the area.”
“You don’t think…”
“I don’t want to have to think. I want our people protected. I don’t trust Bardulf as far as I can throw this yurt. Limit their access just to the guest and communal areas. Dani can stay up here with Bailey.”
Blitz walked to the bed and pulled Dani into his embrace, kissing her soundly. “You behave yourself. I love you.”
“I love you more,” Dani said pressing herself into her mate’s body. He rested his hand on her slightly bulging belly and she rested hers on top of his. It was a simple yet profound gesture that spoke to their commitment and feelings for one another.
“I’m going to leave you two and go with Blitz, but I’ll be back before they arrive, and negotiations start.” He clapped Blitz on the shoulder. “We have much work to do.”
Bailey watched the interaction between Dani and Blitz. What had happened to her fiery friend who had as little use for the invaders as she did? Could she really be that happy or was this just an elaborate show she put on for her captors?
“They’re gone. Tell me how you really feel,” said Bailey, watching Dani closely.
Dani turned and the smile that lit up her face radiated her happiness. “I’m happier now that you are here. I know it goes against everything we thought we were fighting for, but honestly Bailey, life here is sweet and good.”
“We were hunted down, captured, dragged off to a reality that is virtually unknown to us and had our humanity stolen. What could possibly be good and sweet about that?”
“I now hold those in power in our reality completely responsible for all this bullshit. I think if the women from the Conquered Realm were given a chance to interact and get to know the men from this reality, there would be a mass exodus of women. But our warriors here aren’t given a chance to get to know a woman, court her. They’re given a single week to find her and get her back through that portal. Otherwise, they can’t even apply to go through again for at least a year. You know what it’s like as a feral; there’s no guarantee the woman he wants will still be alive. Those old men in the capitol dome use fear to control all of us.”
“For god’s sake, Dani, snap out of it! These bastards think they can do whatever they want. They spank their women; they make use of them whenever they want; they keep them subjugated. We are breeding stock and that’s all we are. We vowed to refuse to be their sexual playthings; we vowed to live free.”
She could see Dani bristle. “There are none so blind as those who will not see. I am free. It is you who are chained to a past that will never make you happy. Do I look subjugated to you? As for the use part,” she said patting her belly, “there’s no denying that, but the sex is amazing and honestly, I think it’s part of how they’ve learned to get through the anger and resentment. It’s intimate—a forced intimacy to be sure, but intimate, nonetheless. Are all of the wolf-shifters as good to their she-wolves as the Storm Rift Pack and others like it? No, but no world can claim that all of its inhabitants are good.”
Bailey started to shake her head, but a wave of nausea washed over her and she took her head in her hands, brushing Dani aside when she sat beside her.
“Bailey,” Dani started gently. “I understand how you feel. Truly I do. I felt much the same when Blitz tossed me over his shoulder and took me kicking and screaming through the portal. But you should know, Talon never intended to look for a mate in the Conquered Realm. He never intended to turn anyone. Blitz isn’t sure if he ever even intended to take a mate, but once he knew he had a fated mate, there was no stopping him.”
“I know. I tried. I’m happy for you if you’re really happy, but I’m not.”
“Only because you won’t allow yourself to be and only because you feel like shit.”
Bailey groaned. “I really do.”
“Don’t fight the transition. Evolutionary processes always win, even against badass bitches like us.” Dani laughed. “I’ve never thought about how appropriate that term is until now. We really are bitches.”
Bailey laid back against the pillows. “As long as I’m a bad ass.”
“I want you to think about something. I get that it’s easy to write off what Talon has done as nothing more than seeing a woman he wanted to fuck and sire children on, and taking her, regardless of her feelings on the matter. And I’m not saying this to make you feel guilty, but do you have any idea the enormity of the problem you caused?”
“I blew up the side of a hill and a portal…”
“No. You blew up so much more than that. Questions about where you got the explosives. Do the other ferals have more? Are the ferals planning to unite in some kind of uprising…”
“Uprising? We’re lucky some days if we can stand at all.”
Dani took Baily’s hand in hers. “I know. I remember. You scared the shit out of the old men in power in the Conquered Realm. They had convinced themselves that the ferals were nothing they need concern themselves with. They could just cast out those who asked questions or caused trouble. Either the elements would kill us or those from the Eclipse Province would take us. But either way, they were well rid of those who questioned their authority. You disabused them of that notion. Blitz is worried that not only will they want to change the terms of the treaty, but he fears what may happen to the rest of the ferals.”
“He cares about the others?”
“They all do. Talon most especially. Right now, the Council would like nothing more than to see your head on a spike. Don’t worry, there’s no one in this pack that would allow that to happen. We live and die as one. You are one of us…”
“But I don’t want to be…”
“How can you possibly know that? Hasn’t Talon pleasured you every single time he fucked you? I used to think that being called submissive was about the worst thing someone would say. Now I realize I always wanted the peace that came with submission. I just needed to have someone that was stronger than I was so that I could claim it. Talon cares for you; I would even guess that he loves you. Try to remember than when you’re transitioning.”