“Mate,” he corrected as he went towards a cupboard and opened it taking out what she thought was something he meant to use on her wound.
“You bit me.”
“I marked and claimed you. Bailey, you are not a child. You knew what it was to be declared feral in your realm. You knew the chances you took and that if caught you would be made a she-wolf.”
“I never planned to be caught.”
He regarded her with a certain amount of disdain. “For some reason, none of you ever do. As a people, your kind are arrogant, defiant, and reckless. It has not served your reality well.”
“In our defense, we were never expecting to be invaded.”
“No, you were far too busy trying to kill each other and destroy your world. In many ways those of the Conquered Realm should thank us.”
“Thank you? You invade our planet and force us to give you women who want nothing to do with you. And you think we should thank you? For what?”
“For saving you from yourselves. You were fortunate in that you had a resource we didn’t.”
“We call that human trafficking.”
“We call it survival,” he growled. She watched him struggle trying to control his temper. “In addition, you are strong, reckless, intelligent, beautiful, and defiant.”
“Reckless? Defiant?”
He nodded. “Reckless in that you could have pulled that entire cliff down on your head and the damage you did to the Void is unknown. You have been a defiant mate since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
Talon returned to her, carrying bandages and some kind of ointment. He began to clean the wound with an almost tender touch. Bailey reminded herself it was a wound he had inflicted. It was sore, but she would not allow him to see how much he hurt her. She could feel the change in his affect when he put away the things he’d used to tend to the bite. She refused to cower or pull away when he pulled her to him, crushing his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. She resisted for only a moment before melting into his embrace and wrapping her arms around his thick, powerful neck. She told herself she didn’t want this, had never wanted this, but somewhere deep inside her a voice whispered, “Liar.”
As he lifted his face from hers, she saw that coldness had replaced the fire in his eyes.
“You are to remain quiet and sequestered here in our home. I suggest you spend your time learning to accept your new reality. The transition is easier on those who do not fight it.”
“I will never stop fighting you; never stop trying to be free.”
“You will fail and will feel my displeasure each time you do so.”
How could he think she wanted this? How could any part of her want nothing more than to stay with him? She didn’t understand, but she knew that she would be stronger and more able to adapt to this new life as a wolf-shifter, so until she was through the transition, she would make the best of what life had handed to her, learn what she could about the Eclipse Province and then when she was ready, she would leave and be free.
At the soft knock on the flap to his yurt, Talon tossed her his shirt and went to the opening. Two warriors entered the tent with a large tub they set up before the fire in the center of the dwelling. The warriors quickly departed, only to be followed by more who brought up great casks of heated and scented water. He watched as Bailey scented the air and a fine tremor passed through her body. It had been a long time, he sensed, since anyone had cared for his mate.
After the tub was full, he offered her his hand. “Take the shirt off, Bailey, and come get in the tub. I think you’ll enjoy a nice, long, hot soak in the tub. I know when I’ve had a rough day, I often make use of the communal ones in the center of the village. But as you aren’t used to life in a pack, I thought you might prefer the privacy.”
“So now you’re concerned with my feelings? You hunt me down, spank me, mark and claim me down by the river where anyone could have seen, and now you’re concerned about my privacy?” The words had started scathingly enough but had grown to border on hysterical.
“Had you surrendered to me either in your realm or mine, you would not have placed me in the position of having to make a point with you and with others regarding the rules here. I will treat you as kindly as you allow me to, but when you are defiant or disobedient, I will correct your behavior. The men in your realm long ago abdicated their role as the dominant partner…”
“Not every woman wants to be dominated.”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree. I have never known any female—human or she-wolf—that didn’t come to bask in the warmth of her submission to her mate. That doesn’t mean she submits to anyone else or isn’t capable in any way. Most just find a certain peace and security they’ve never known before. Do you not think I feel the war that rages within you? One part that says you must resist, must fight, and the other that wants nothing more than to accept what I have to offer?”
“You are delusional.”
“Perhaps, but why not at least put your fight aside for the evening and take advantage of the hot bath, food, and comfortable bed I can offer you.”
“That bed comes with a price…”
He laughed. She was no fool. “Yes, but it was a price you reveled in earlier. Get in the bath, Bailey.”