Page 14 of Shifted Existence

This wasn’t going to do at all. It seemed that each time she closed her eyes, the wolf-shifter that had pursued her appeared. It was as if she couldn’t get away from him. They said that the wolves could track their mates not just by scent but by presence, knowing what they were feeling before their mate was ready to express it. Bailey found that idea intrusive.

The dreams had started a few days before the Hunt and had only increased in intensity and eroticism since then.

“You will learn to obey me,” the wolf-shifter growled as he leaned close to her ear, holding her naked body in his firm grip over his lap.

She could see a polished floor and watched as sweat and tears dripped onto it. Bailey was no wilting flower, but she was no match for the powerful wolf. She squirmed in his lap, trying to get away or at least create distance between her belly and the throbbing cock beneath her.

Bailey would not submit, not now, not ever, regardless of how long and how hard he spanked her. She would not admit to any wrongdoing as in her mind, she had done no wrong. The pain he inflicted when he smacked her backside was bad enough, but the way it ignited and continued to fan the flames of her desire was untenable.

She knew if she lived through this encounter, she would be sore. Her backside would be incredibly painful and if his cock had its way, and she was sure it would, she would be unable to walk. The thing was rampant and beat against her belly in rhythm to the spanking he was dispensing.

“Your name, mate. I will have your name.”

“No,” she snarled and then gasped as instead of swatting her ass, he ran one finger down the crevice between her cheeks.

He tapped her darkest entrance before running his finger along the petals of her sex, teasing and taunting but never penetrating her wet heat. He groaned appreciatively, exploring her soft, wet folds.

“The longer you deny me, the more thoroughly I will ravage you when I catch you,” he warned as the vision, the dream…whatever the hell it was… dissipated, and she was once more alone.

When Bailey woke, her skin was hot, clammy, and felt as if some kind of electrical wand had been run all over it. She’d never felt more alive or more aroused and was tempted to relieve the stress and pressure by pleasuring herself. It had been a very long time since she’d felt safe enough or had needed it enough. She shook her head. She and the other ferals had been pursued as breeding partners and she was willing to bet not one of them had felt the touch of the man since the invaders had conquered their reality. She rather imagined the rest were like her and self-pleasure had not been something they indulged in very often if at all. It took time and energy, and for most, that had all gone to staying alive and remaining free.

She heard the snap of a twig. Someone was coming near the water—someone who didn’t want to be heard. Bailey peered out of her hollow and drew back quickly, flattening herself to the dark interior of the tree. It was him. The one who had said he was her mate. The one who haunted her every stolen moment of sleep. She’d known he was from the Eclipse Province; known he was from this area. Why had she chosen to stay? She’d destroyed his pack’s portal. It was only logical that there would be some pretty severe penalties for that.

Bailey watched as he moved around the riverbank where she had been, looking at the ground and at the area where she had caught and cleaned the fish. He dabbed his finger at the rock, lifting it to his nose and inhaling. He looked around and found the fragment of a footprint she had left for him to find.

She had known if he came looking for her, he would track her. Leaving an easily followed trail would be too obvious and he would know she was playing him false. So, she had left him only fragments that would lead him away from her position. He began to follow them and was disturbed and stopped when he heard someone else approaching.

“Alpha, a word?”

“I take it this is important,” said the wolf-shifter who was pursuing her.

“I’m afraid it is. There was trouble on the Conquered Realm. The village that had been hiding Hemming’s mate had indeed been hiding five others. Those in what amounts to power in the Conquered Realm cower as they always do and were happy to give them up in order to keep the treaty in place. Our own realm’s Council, though, feels as though the price paid is too high for just one pack.”

“I see,” said the warrior she had almost killed twice. “Let me guess, Hemming keeps his woman and the other five are distributed amongst the other five clans of our realm with the most power.”

“You wish, Talon.” So, the beast had a name. “No, it seems our allies on the New Moon Expanse got wind of what happened and are demanding two of the ferals for their own.”

“What the hell do they want with ferals?” growled Talon. “They want their she-wolves weak and not only submissive, but docile and with no spirit… no fire. It doesn’t matter; they are ours as tribute.”

“The Council thought that might be your reaction and reached out to Artemis to see if he couldn’t play peacemaker.”

“And Artemis’ thoughts on the matter are?”

“A definitenoto those on the New Moon Expanse, but he didn’t think giving up two of the females—two of the other five that were found in addition to Hemming’s mate—would go amiss. He thought we might allow two to be gifted to the other packs. That would give us three additional females in addition to Hemming’s.”

Talon, who the other wolf-shifter had identified as an alpha, eyed the interloper suspiciously. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“The Council has countered the terms proposed by Artemis…”


“They want your female brought to the capital and either to be hunted by one and all or for you to pay what amounts to a ransom in order to keep her.”

Talon snorted. “Let me guess, the other five females Hemming brought back. And the mastermind of this deal would be Bardulf of the Ax Wielders.”

“One and the same.”

“His schemes are as subtle as his choice of weapons. Let me guess, he wants at least two of the five for his own pack?” The other wolf nodded. “His men may be competent warriors, but I swear they couldn’t track a female if she was in heat.”