Because of you, I know love.
Which brings me to this.
If you have gotten this letter, it means sadly I didn’t survive my plan. Embarking on this journey, I knew it was a possibility and still took those risks.
I’m somewhere in heaven now, watching you read it, hoping with everything in me you fulfill my last request.
The letter has an address and a picture of my daughter attached to it.
Isn’t she beautiful? I don’t expect her to be anything else. She is perfect in my imagination, although I probably won’t get the chance to see her if you have this letter. I call her a she, but she might have ended up being a boy for all I know.
At the location provided, the nun will be waiting for you within the next two months with my baby.
I tore her away from Andreas’s clutches, so he won’t taint her with his darkness and do despicable things to her.
The nun also has three of my diaries. This is the only legacy my daughter will have of me, and I want her to know the truth about her mother.
I’m not perfect, or ideal. I’ve made mistakes… but at the end of it all, I loved her.
And I did everything in my power to give her a chance at a better life.
I hope, while she is raised by other people, she at least knows this about me.
Please, Howard.
If at least one tiny part of you loved me, cherished our time together… take care of my daughter.
Save her from Andreas.
And if I might have one more last wish…
Name her Briseis.
Briseis loved Achilles. But most importantly?
Achilles never hurt her, and cherished her instead, so that’s what I wish for my daughter.
Not a legendary love story where myths would be spoken about them for years to come.
But a love that lasts.
I’m sorry for the pain this letter brings you or any other emotions. Maybe you experience anger that I even dare to ask for such a thing of you. However, there is no one else in my mind I can trust with such information.
If only life had been different.
If only Andreas never happened.
If only….
In the reality I’m living though, “if only” doesn’t exist.
I love you till my last breath, Howard.
Just like Paris did Helen, I finally realized all along I had it wrong in our romance.
I’m the Paris and you are Helen.
I can’t change my destiny.