“It’s so good to see you, Santiago,” he says. Blinking away the blurry dots in my eyes, I find his gaze, tipping the corner of my mouth up.

“Can’t return the sentiment.”

He chuckles, always finding my remarks hilarious, because he praises himself for my bravery.

What bravery?

Survival instinct only—brave entails high morals and whatever else all those noble people have.

I lost them all the minute I killed that first person.

Besides, acting scared and begging him for mercy would earn me a few visits to the basement with the rats. I tried those early on and learned to never ever fucking do it again.

Andreas snaps his fingers, and a guard enters holding a chair that he places in the middle of the area where Andreas sits comfortably, while unbuttoning his jacket. “Your win tonight solidified my decision.” He sweeps his gaze over my form before continuing. “You’ve passed all my tests. Now, when the trial period is over, we will move to our last level. If you prove yourself worthy, you’ll finally be able to go home.”

Everything inside me freezes, my senses going on high alert at this information as he never once spoke about me going back home, but I show no outward reaction.

“You’ll live in a guest room on the second floor for the next month. I want you completely healed before you embark on your last journey. I’ll even feed you every day.” Satisfaction rings in his tone, and by that alone, I guess his kindness right now has nothing to do with generosity. Most likely the plan requires me to be in my best shape. “Well, what do you have to say to that?”

Boredom laces my tone as I reply, “Nothing. Whatever you do, I don’t care.”

Anger crosses his face as he raises his hand and leans forward, wanting to strike me, but pauses midway to my face. He drops back on his chair, and it sways back a little from the force. “No, today is a beautiful day. I won’t allow you to spoil it.”

I roll my eyes, not in the mood for his dramatic monologues about his emotions and plans, where he talks for hours thinking I care. “Whatever.”

“I’ll be a father in a few months, Santiago. And as such, the time has come to give you an opportunity.” My mind digests his words. They’re always the only ones that make no sense to me.

In the last two years, Andreas has talked about his kids several times, claiming he would have one soon, only for him to say a few months later the bitch had lost it or that he had a son so he had to get rid of him.

I never understood why he was so fixated on having a kid. Such people shouldn’t reproduce, but it scared me the way he always connected my abilities and suffering with his future kids.

First things first though.

Last level.

Whatever the fuck that entails, I’ll ace it too.

How much worse could it possibly get anyway?

* * *

Putting the velvet jacket on and giving myself one last look in the mirror, the healthy boy staring back at me reminds me nothing of the beaten-up version I saw a month ago. I exit the room and quickly go downstairs.

Andreas waits for me by the entrance and smiles widely while indifference settles on my features. My breezy attitude pisses him off, since his jaw tightens, but he orders, “Give me your hand.” I do, and he clasps an expensive watch around my wrist. “This will let Philip know how special you are to me.” He winks, murmuring the last part, “And how I’d love to see you break.”

I stay silent, not giving him the pleasure of seeing my fear of the unknown but also excitement, because this suffering might be over soon, and I can go back home.

Andreas informed me he’s sending me to some guy named Philip, one of his friends who is ready to train me, and if I play my cards right, we’ll both get what we want.

I highly fucking doubt it, but it’s a chance to get out of this whole mess, so of course I’ll take it.

He pats me on the head, and I jerk to the side, hating his touch and struggling not to hurt him somehow. But freedom flashing on the horizon is far more tempting.

I’ll come for Andreas someday too, just not today.

“Behave well, Santiago, and don’t disappoint me. I have no time to train someone else for my little flower.”

Not even bothering to dwell on his weird words, I hop inside the van, and the man quickly closes the door. Andreas’s evil smile is the last thing I see before darkness surrounds me and men get into the front seat.