Our net worth is about the same though, and I don’t give a fuck on most days about his desires or stupid rules, although I have to abide by them, since I don’t need his ass showing up in Chicago and trying to dictate to me.

However, compared to me, he has years more of experience, which means he has a key to the information I so desperately seek.

So I have to play nice, even though I want to rip him to shreds.

“I have the information you want.”

I freeze, the smoke stuck in my mouth before I blow it out, excitement spreading in my blood while I patiently await his next words.

He picks up the folder from his desk and waves it. “Here is everything on the subject. You won’t find it anywhere else.” His face stays blank, not a fucking muscle moving, so I take another pull while my mind swirls with thousands of scenarios.

For a second, I thought stupid Peter lied, because that coward would have done anything to stay alive, but if Lachlan found all the answers, it means it’s true.

In all my years, I haven’t been this close to revenge, and I can almost taste the victory in my mouth, the sweet and bitter flavor settling on my tongue while my body pumps with rage and pleasure at the same time.

Every monster in this world has a weakness—one of the reasons I don’t have any.

If there is a weakness, it can always be used against you by your enemies, and who the fuck gives such power to anyone?

Keeping my voice even, I ask, “What do you want in exchange?”

Everything in this world has a price tag attached to it, be it our actions or actual money. Nothing is freely given, and if it is… you have to be careful.

The devil always comes to collect when you don’t expect it, and as such, you might die quicker than you thought.

Lachlan is a ruthless fucker who won’t hesitate to hurt you if it ensures his complete domination. But he is a smart fucker, one of the reasons I respect the man, even though I hate him.

“Consider it a gift, Santiago.”

My laughter bounces off the walls, almost making me choke on the smoke as I point at him with my cigarette. “Good one. And now seriously, name your price.”

He grins, although it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I already emailed it to you. Do whatever you want with it.”

I zero my gaze on him, trying to read his features yet finding nothing in his stone-cold expression. “Why such generosity all of a sudden?”

“Not everything in this world has a price, Santiago. Especially not the past that haunts us in our nightmares.”

In this moment, I almost regret asking him for help. I shed light on my past that should have always been hidden from everyone.

My one and only vulnerability.

I quickly school my features though, grinning wide, as smiles are the only fucking thing able to save us in the most despicable times.

When you smile and laugh often enough, the monster feasting on your flesh and lurking in the night won’t know how much they hurt you and destroy your soul; instead, they will groan in frustration not knowing what to do with you to gain satisfaction.

And then when they’re comfortable in your company, you can strike them hard, delivering a blow they won’t survive.

“Let’s consider it a debt you can collect any time, Lachlan.”

Hell can freeze a thousand times over before I ever accept any gift again in this world.

Lachlan disconnects the call, and with the remote, I click on the email app on my TV, opening the folder with the information as I stand up, wrapping my fingers around the pawn on the black-and-white board and placing it a couple spaces forward.

Glancing at the name flashing on the display, I address the pawn. “Briseis, we are about to play a twisted game with you.”

She has Andreas’s blood traveling through her veins; therefore, her soul is rotten and spoiled, hungry for the suffering and pain of the people she encounters on her way.

Nothing of his could ever be anything else.