“Who are you? Where am I?”

“My name is Andreas. This—” He swirls his finger in the air. “—is your new reality and home.”

“No, it’s not true,” I whisper, shaking my head again, and that’s when the memory of someone sneaking into my room and stabbing me with an injection pops in my mind. Gasping, I shout, “No!”


Is he one of those bad men who takes rich kids and asks a ransom for them?

Florian’s brother got kidnapped like this two years ago, and his father paid a lot of money to get him back. But the evil men lied to him, and they received only his dead body in a box.

Ever since, Daddy hired more security to guard the home so it wouldn’t happen to me.

But it did!

“Daddy, my daddy will save me.”

Anger crosses his face, but he still grins as he gets up, coming closer to me. His shoes thump on the floor, and I shrink inwardly, expecting another blow.

I will withstand it though.

“Hijo, if anything ever happens to you, and I’m not there… survive, survive until you can beat them. Entiendes?”

However, the hit never comes. His hand gently pats my head before he taps on my nose. “Lucian won’t save you. He lost you to me.” He chuckles and slides his hand to my nape, revulsion rushing through me at his touch. I jerk to the side, but his death grip doesn’t let me. “He should have never turned his back on me.” He wraps his hand around mine and squeezes it so hard I’m afraid my bones are going to crack. I bite on my lip, trapping the cries ready to escape my mouth.

Now that I know I’m not in a nightmare, I can’t show weakness. Daddy taught me to never be vulnerable to your enemies, and I just have to wait a little longer.

My daddy is Lucian Cortez. He will move heaven and hell.

He’ll find me.

“Ah, brave just like your father.” His other hand pinches my chin between his fingers, and he holds my gaze as he digs them so painfully into my jaw it heightens the pain in my nose. “Lucian’s blood runs through your veins. But your soul… your soul will rot in hell a thousand times over. By the time I’m done with you, there will be nothing left of his bravery and high morals.” He squeezes my throat and cuts off my air. I gulp for breath, hitting his hand and scooting back, but it’s useless against his strength. “He thought he destroyed me seven years ago. And now I have taken the most precious thing from right under his nose.”

He laughs in my face and throws me back. I gasp for breath and fill my lungs. “No more tears, Santiago. The future heir to my throne cannot have weak genes.” My brows furrow. I don’t understand anything he’s saying, and Daddy knows this man how? “I hate every Cortez, but there is no denying your strong bloodline. And victory shall be mine.” He steps from the bed, walking to the door, and throws over his shoulder, “Don’t disappoint me, Santiago. You might not like the consequences. First test is about to start.”

“First test?” I repeat, my hands fisting the sheet.

“Ace them all, Santiago, and freedom will be yours. Fail any of them… and I’ll deliver your mutilated body on a silver platter to your parents’ doorstep.”

I dart after him as he shuts the door in my face, twisting the knob and banging on it. “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!” Maybe someone will hear me and take pity on me. My whole body trembles in fear from his words.

First test? What does he mean?

I can die here? I won’t die here!

“Survive, survive until you can beat them.”

“Okay, Papá. Please come soon,” I whisper and then jerk in shock when suddenly water starts to fall from the ceiling, just like pouring rain, soaking everything. I look around for a safe place to hide but find none, so I jump under the bed, avoiding the water that continues to fall, the droplets slapping against the marble, until it stops abruptly.

I exhale in relief until the AC starts buzzing loudly, and gradually the room becomes icy cold as frigid air hits me. I get out from the under the bed, the marble floor too cold to lie on. Only everything around me is wet and there is no blanket in sight.

My body starts to tremble, my teeth snapping against each other while I rub my arms, hoping to give myself warmth, but it’s useless. The temperature continues to drop lower and lower; it almost reminds me of winter weather. I climb on the corner of the bed, wrapping my hands around my knees, rocking back and forth, hoping that movement will give me some warmth.

Test? Is this the test?

My whole body shakes so much I can’t even focus on my rapidly beating heart, ready to burst as fear puts a tight leash on it, building images in my head of me lying dead and the evil man sending me to my parents.

Mommy won’t be able to stand it. She’d cry, and I’d hate for her to cry.