I have no idea why he needs the baby so desperately, yet I know for sure he will destroy her life.
Andreas is a powerful man who will stop at nothing in order to get what he wants.
I sometimes think him raping a woman so easily is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his deeds.
Even the nuns and the doctor are so afraid of him, jumping whenever he calls, panic etched on their faces. He never steps a foot into the monastery; after all, men are not allowed inside. However, his demonic presence floats in the air, reminding me the devil is watching my every breath while waiting for his heir.
How could I possibly give him my baby?
Or worse.
What if he kills my baby the minute he sees its a girl and not a boy?
How do I protect my baby when its father is a monster?
19 December
The doctor came for her last visit before the delivery. She ran a few tests on me and checked me internally. The minute I saw a frown on her face quickly replaced by fear, making her eyes look like they were going to pop out, I knew something was wrong. Only Andreas has such power over their emotions, and he would kill them all if anything happened to my child.
She said the baby lies with her feet downward, and without the proper medical equipment, she doesn’t know how safe childbirth will be.
We can’t go to the hospital. They will ask a lot of questions, and for some reason, Andreas wants as much a natural birth as possible. According to him, his baby is powerful enough to persevere, no matter what.
Just like his baby in similar circumstances.
During his short phone calls, he always mentions some mysterious he as if he is competing with someone. At first, I thought it might have been Howard, but he muttered his name once.
I’m restless, not knowing what to do with this information.
A month ago, under the pretense of needing fresh air, I tried slipping past the guards to find police and make them listen to me. I should have done it back home after the rape, but Andreas manipulated me with fear. I numbly let him put me farther and farther in the cage inside my psyche where he almost convinced me the whole world would come apart if I opened my mouth.
I don’t want to play this game anymore, yet I failed at my attempt to escape. They caught me, and I expected Andreas to come with some punishment. To my surprise though, the nuns didn’t report it, just whispered to me to stay put until the baby arrives.
How can I though, if I might endanger her by staying put?
According to the doctor, there is the possibility of my death too, because if there are any complications, she won’t be able to help me.
This scares me too, leaving my child for Andreas. During these few months, I even accept the fact that I’m willing to stay at his side as long as he lets me be with her.
So after pondering it for several hours, I find the solution, the only solution possible in these circumstances.
I will do my best to free myself and my daughter from the monster.
And I hope with all my heart I’ve made the right decision.
After all, failure is not an option in hell.
“Excelente,” he says and fishes out keys from his back pocket, dangling them soundly in the air before motioning with his hand for me to get up. The minute I do, he wraps his palm around my wrists, freeing them one by one with his thumbs and rubbing my sore flesh.
Slapping his hand away, I step back, glancing at the light red bruises on my skin, and wince a little as they remind me of my childhood.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by him. “They won’t leave marks. We need to put ointment on them.”
“No need to pretend you care.” My father starts to cough loudly, his entire body shaking. “Dad,” I call, darting in his direction and grabbing the bars of the cage that sways at the contact. “Dad, do you hear me?” Extending my hand inside, I try to reach him but end up only gazing his cheek with the tips of my fingers.