“In a way.”
You don’t fuck around with one’s daughter the way Howard did with Briseis without some kind of retribution for those actions. Andreas is a horrendous human being whose soul should have stayed in hell, for the only thing the man desires is power and the suffering of those around him.
However, even a vicious monster getting off on pain and torture doesn’t take kindly when someone abuses his flesh and blood.
The massacre was the inevitable outcome after the Dawson family deceived him and then reduced his daughter to nothing but a punching bag.
We shift our attention to Remi who comes closer to us, carefully not to step in the pools of blood spilled everywhere, as we don’t need to leave any evidence tracing to us.
“Everyone is dead. Even two maids and the gardener.”
“Nothing is stolen,” Florian says, emerging from Howard’s office. “Or should I say we didn’t let them steal what they wanted.” Everyone looks at Briseis in my arms, and I cradle her closer to me, the beast inside me roaring at the sight of bruises forming on her pale skin from their harsh treatment and the rope that wrapped around her throat. I barely stop myself from chasing the one fucker who we intentionally let escape in order for him to deliver the news to his master.
Even the knowledge that Andreas kills those who disappoint him, so his days are numbered, doesn’t rein in my rage.
I should remember she is bait, a means to an end and collateral damage in my plan.
Nothing fucking more.
Besides, what I’m about to do to her will hurt her way more than this shit.
“Get out of here before the cops arrive. The last thing we need is to explain ourselves to anyone.” Florian motions toward the hall. “I’m going to clean up, so they don’t find any clues leading them to us.”
We divided the workload between us a long time ago, and unfortunately for Florian, it meant staying behind after every dark craving of ours—with a clear head on his shoulders—and cleaning up the messes of our chaos.
The reason why he never drank more than one glass during any outings.
“We’ll be at my dungeon,” I tell him, and he nods, disappearing behind one of the doors as we go back the way we came, slipping into the night like shadows and bringing death with us.
After all, we are the Four Dark Horsemen.
Chaos, death, and suffering are inevitable wherever we go.
Chapter Nine
“I crossed paths with the cruel dark-haired devil who won’t stop until he gets what he wants.
Whatever the hell that is.”
From Flora’s Diaries
15 March
It has been two months, yet I remember it all as if it happened yesterday. His scent, breathing, and sadistic laughter wake me up at night, and his face flashing in my nightmares makes me awaken sweaty all over while I scream for help.
Three times, Dad came rushing into the room, trying to hug me or calm me down, and never succeeded.
I didn’t want his hugs, his touch, or anyone’s touch for that matter.
All I wanted was to hit him and order him to shut up, so he would stop mentioning Andreas’s name so much or how much investing in his business helped him.
The only saving grace in my life has been Howard, who destroyed half his room when he heard about the injustice done to me and then rocked me in his arms, promising me he would avenge me.
He kept on apologizing that I got dragged into this, never fully explaining why Andreas hates him so much, and I didn’t ask either.
All the explanations in the world won’t wipe away what happened to me.