Each one of us holds equal power in this brotherhood, and for this reason alone, we’ve managed to be part of it for such a long time.

“You started a storm tonight. When it hits, it’ll affect all of us. So cut the shit and talk.” Remi glances at his watch. “Preferably sooner, because I have better things to do than spend my evenings with you.”

I bet his “better things” include stalking his obsession once again; he has been insane ever since he laid eyes on her and doesn’t take no for an answer.

“You’re not going to New York,” Florian says, blowing smoke and pointing a finger at Remi. “I have to finish a necklace for an auction, and I’m not in the mood to get interrupted to save your ass.”

Somehow, among all this mess, everyone has come to the conclusion—and by everyone, I mean Lachlan—that Florian is the easiest going among us, so they prefer to deal with him.

Hilarious as fuck really, considering the deeds he does in his bayous under the moonlight, killing people in such ways that even I wince.

“Fuck you, Florian. I didn’t ask to be saved. Besides, I do whatever the fuck I want.”

“True. Except what you want is in Lachlan’s territory, not to mentioned part of his family. So….” I trail off to fuck with him for the hell of it and laugh when he growls.

Lachlan can forbid us from things all he wants; doesn’t mean we’ll listen or follow his orders.

The Four Dark Horsemen listen to no one but ourselves.

And if someone or something stands in our way?

We destroy it until we get what we crave so much.

Octavius has had enough of this shit though. “Let’s focus on Santiago. And you,” he says to Remi. “Think before you act.”

Useless advice, as Remi always acts first, thinking about the consequences later. His hotheaded nature landed us in so much trouble back in the day, and nothing has really changed since.

“I’m with Octavius on this one. You called tonight and told us to attend the Dawson party together. Danced with Briseis for everyone to see. And then we all left. Kind of idiotic move on our part.” Florian drums his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Why do you have such an interest in the Dawson girl?”

“I’m not interested in Briseis. Only in what I can get through her.” I get up, going to a small bar in a corner stacked with our favorite drinks and ice. Pouring myself a glass of tequila, I add, “She is Andreas’ daughter.”

Deafening silence greets my statement.

I sit back in the chair, kicking my feet up on the table while swirling the glass in my hands, enjoying the ice cubes clinking against each other and slowly melting, proving once again even strong material can be broken with the right weapon. “Fake records show Howard Dawson adopted her, although based on inside information, she is his biological daughter—at least everyone in the family thinks so.” All three of them stare at me as I continue with my indifferent tone. “No records of her mother, her past life. Just one day a baby ended up on their doorstep with a letter.”

A baby girl who they’ve failed so many times, exposing her to their harsh treatment, because her father couldn’t stick to his marriage vows.

The glass in my hands cracks when I squeeze tight, imagining Howard instead of it, and the beast inside me wants to torture him in the most agonizing way for the nightmare he turned Briseis’s life into.

Will she appreciate me chopping off his limbs bit by bit, enjoying the screams of terror emerging from his mouth while I collect his flesh and bring it to her, as a warrior does his trophies?

Remi clears his throat, pulling me out of my unacceptable thoughts, because my obsession with Briseis could never become personal. “Why do you think she is Andreas’s daughter, then?”

“A little bird told me.” I decide not to elaborate on the matter. None of us care what we do in our spare time. We don’t interfere in our individual tortures, only when it threatens the unity. “I’ll still check it out of course, but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”

“And why is that?” Florian asks.

“Andreas knows or thinks she’s his daughter.” I close my eyes when I gulp my drink, enjoying the burning liquid bringing me much-needed discomfort and pulling me from the dark memories that always haunt me wherever I go.

“Which means he’ll come to collect what’s rightfully his.” Octavius concludes and slams his splayed palm on the table, rattling the bowl. “Damn it.” He threads his fingers through his hair. “What’s your plan?”

“Before I share anything with you, I need to ask you a question.” They all freeze, their eyes filling with disbelief, and I shrug, playing by the fucking rules we set a long time ago on that rainy day in Octavius’s house when we got connected by a cold-blooded murder.

The Four Dark Horsemen were born on that day, and along with them came vows and rules.

“Andreas is my problem. Always has been my problem.” Although they know some pieces about him, they have no idea about the full extent of what happened to me, and I’m never going to share it. Never going to take myself back to the hopelessness and terror I experienced all those years ago. “You don’t have to participate in this. It will get ugly, messy, and dark. Everything we love might be destroyed. I cannot be reasonable about this.” In other words, madness will become my second name on the quest of catching my prey.

We operate with unity, creating a powerful front nothing can break, and in this, everyone stays away from us.